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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

May foster technological progress. In the long term, successful research will pay the company higher profits. A project powered and managed by Maven Logix Pvt Ltd. Low stock levels, particularly for in-measure materials. Most definitions have highlighted the unequal distribution of power between men and women. By your own argument, you are less able to think than a woman. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. Nowadays, we also see similar behaviour in a rugby scrum, or American football scrimmage. Also mentally it makes the average man far more aggressive than the average woman. Women like Margaret Thatcher, Wu Zetian,Elizabeth I, etc were not being "forced" to adopt a masculine gender role; on the contrary they were expected to behave in a hegemonically "feminine" manner, but chose to behave in a "masculine" manner, not out of social pressure, but out of their own free will. but men, as the military has shown, can be brutalised or trained into becoming killers. Most male animals tend to fight each other for power and access to females, and evolutionists tell us this is a good thing, as the strongest male gets to pass on his genes to the next generation. William Bond (author) from England on June 23, 2011: Hi Gracielake, It seems to be very difficult for men to overcome their addiction to war. It signifies a system of governance administered by women. This benefit allows each partner to tackle tasks based on their areas of specialty. Polyandry type of marriage in which one woman can marry with many men at a time. And this is the reason why women lose out, simply because the average women is less aggressive and competitive than the average man., Then the answer is simple, allow women to rule our world instead.. "the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in". As members of an official ethnic minority, Khasis have many privileges: the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council protects their laws, taxation is lower than elsewhere in India, land is set aside for their use in tribal zones, and a quota system operates for higher education and civil service jobs. If you can't see any of that, well, there's not a whole lot more to say. I don't "insist that men and women are the same". You further say "I think this discussion is done. The best mothers are known to be Elephants, Alligators, Orangutans, Greater Hornbills, Octopuses, Earwigs, Bears, Polar Bears, Lionesses, and Wolf Spiders. The other advantage is that patriarchy enables men to know their place in the family. Wars were nearly always the result of competing cultures. There are no good guys or bad guys in our world there are only violent men who are as bad as each other. In other words, all the resources provided by nature are for exploitation. And most of those who are violent, are so because they were victims of violence themselves. Youre shifting goalposts now. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. The persuit of power, irrelevant of what country, is the biggest problem. Things can only change when we have matriarchal political parties where women are free to be themselves and not have men tell them how to behave. There have been female inventors throughout history, there have also been a few female geniuses as well, and that to me is a lot better than there being absolutely no women that have done those things, those few women have shown the world that women have the potential to create and invent the extrodinary, to build the structures and foundations of an entirely new society, to achieve human excellence in its purest form. Your infantile dogmatic generalization is a slap in the face to those whom we have so much to thank for, who have often risked or even given their lives to advance democracy and equality. The whole of history shows us so clearly that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world.. Which lets men off the hook. As for suggesting we would be still living in caves without the input of men. This means that if we had matriarchal governments, where the vast majority of the members of the government were women, then this government will be dominated by womens maternal instinct. The very fact that women are far less ruthless, aggressive and competitive than men, will make them far better rulers of our world. You say that warfare comes from competing cultures and I agree with this, but who are the people competing with each other? This not only handicaps them in their participation in the political sphere (because being a politician is a risk-prone and uncertain endeavor), but it also means that they'll be less likely to perpetrate public sphere violence. Tell me, do you think that a woman who falsely tells two drunk men in a bar that another man in that bar raped herdo you believe she is an instigator of violence, when those two men beat the falsely accused man to death? Materialism gives you the opportunity to always have the latest things. "Again if we look at the animal kingdom, we find every spring animals like stags, bull and rams fighting each other for dominance and access to females. General Risks. Related: The desi dad syndrome that every middle-class kid can relate to. @2022 - All Right Reserved. Bureaucracies slow things - decision-making, communication, action - and the company becomes a . Yes, we need more people to know about these ideas. When mothers stay home with their children, their children will end up happier. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power. They distinguish themselves from the group through their behavior and accomplishments. A Matriarch is essentially a strong woman, a good woman who is responsible, reliable, dependable; she is the head of household and is considered the heart, soul, and leader of the family in a heterosexual family unit, regardless if the father is a stay at home dad, or the breadwinner, the mother respectively is always head of household and the blood always flows through her line, and no, its not bullshit, I'm living breathing proof of it! A society where the female member leads a family is called matriarchy, and the female head of the family is called the matriarch. They started limiting them to stay at home and nurture the young ones. Just like with warfare (which drove many of those accomplishments by the way), women have achieved less, mostly because they didn't need to and not because they couldn't or wouldn't. But because they do not have an alternitive to it they are forced to vote for the status-quo. But there you're forgetting that this has been argued many times before and has lead to disaster pretty much every time - much greater disaster than the current system has brought upon us. If you're so ashamed of your sex, I'm very sorry but that's your problem. I think you should stick to speaking for yourself. And it is that type of technology that we desperately need! Tesla lived and died a pauper. 1 Mosuo, China. Patriarchy: What advantages and disadvantages has the Patriarchy done for society? On the most basic level we can start comparing how many organs we have in common with how many organs we don't have in common. Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. It discourages the education of women in the majority of rural areas. It just supports what I have been saying. Again you can have a small minority of women who are violent but they are far outnumbered by men. It can only be done through democractic means. Most male animals tend to fight each other for power and access to females, and evolutionists tell us this is a good thing, as the strongest male gets to pass on his genes to the next generation. They will not have the same interest in warfare as men, and will certainly will not have the same interest in invading other countries as what patriarchal countries do. Every family plays their role by performing these functions: Reproduction and sexual relation Care & protection of children The very large gap between rich and poor is also madness. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to anthropology and feminism differ in some respects. I just think its time that we gave women a chance of ruling to see how it goes. Women burst into that male-dominated scientific field without need for tools, money or encouragement. The difference between the nuclear family and the extended family is that a nuclear family refers to a single basic family unit of parents and their children, whereas the extended family refers to their relatives, as well - such as grandparents, in-laws, aunts and uncles, etc. Society is comprised of both men and women, patriarchy is the way of nature, biology, and God's Will. Hate yourself all you want but do not project your own feelings of inadequacy onto other men. Consumers can benefit from lower prices and better quality goods and services due to the competitiveness of the firms. Why is so much money spent on an incredibly destructive military machine and its very dangerous testing? What exactly is a patriarchal political party? Also hunter-gatherer socities naturally tend to have non-hierarchal egalitarian social structures, there is social and economic equality and violence often tends to be very rare which in spite of their lack of technology seems to be more highly advanced society morally than the one we currently live in. The human male is similar but human males fight with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, rockets, aircraft and nuclear weapons. Most sociologists and anthropologists deduce denial of basic and essential rights. The authority and descendants lie on one of the two genders. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power.. If I exempt your husband from alimony and child support, it will harm the children. So, these elements can fulfill ones needs. Because society does not hold them accountable--even when they are overtly violent and anti-social--there is a further moral hazard in that they will actually be able to get away with more violence and competitiveness than men do before being called on it. What i am trying to point out is that there is an alternitive that no one has tried and that is matrairchy. No, the best way forward is for women to be proud of the fact that they do have a strong maternal and nurturing instinct. You continue on by staying "And again, you seem to blame men for all the bad things that have ever happened, without once realizing that the competitive push of men is what carried us from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post industrial. This is also true of other sports where there is not a lot of difference in the way male kangaroos box each other and the way men fight in a boxing ring. The debate is ongoing about the exact time of matriarchy in different civilizations. Women then have the choice of either giving away their power, or to learn to be as assertive and competitive as men. These are questions that need to be asked. I have one more question: Supposing what you say is true, then could you please describe to us in detail how your matriarchy should look? But that's just a guess. Whilst Ms Greer is highly educated and thinks carefully before She articulates i'm still not sure if Ms Greer is advocating a Female led society but She does raise relevant topics from time to time. Women leaders demonstrate an inclusive, team-building leadership style of problem solving and decision making. When a man kills his child, we put him in prison and call him a monster. All of those societies still had typical division of labor wrt men doing the heavy lifting and big game hunting and women tending children, simply because the alternative was impossible. The following are important characteristics of a matriarch: independent autonomous. Five thousand years of patriarchal history has shown men are totally incapable of solving the problems of our world. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And we are going to have a very unfair world as the rich will compete against the poor for more wealth and power. In the animal world it is very rare to see female animals fight each other unless they are a carnivorous animal. I already answered this several times. These women will have far less interest in warfare than a male patriarchal government, and will be better at negotiating peace, in any dispute. Start with kindergarten and work your way up from there. (10) A male-only priesthood gives men the sense that they have something unique to contribute, and encourages them to serve others. That is complete bullshit, and it disrespects and dishonors the real daughters of mother's who were raised in Matriarchal households! At the present moment with the mishandling of the world's financial system, with rising population, global warming and more and more wars people are getting fed up with our present system. Patriarchy vs matriarchy, we will discuss their pros and cons. And I already know your next attempt to respond which will be to say that women cant possibly do any worse given how bad men did. You have no idea the number of news stories I read where a woman who murders her own children doesn't even serve a day in prison, because we externalize her bad act and blame it on anyone but her. No. It seems that patriarchy can fight wars, commit genicide, condemn billions of people into poverty, mess up the finacial system of world, and get away with it, because people will swallow all the bullshit patrirchy gives them, without question. I think you are too absorbed in the negative aspects of women and of feminism, I already know by the tone of your literature that you will never look upon feminism in a postiive light and I can respect that, you are entitled to your own beliefs, thoughts, opinions, and critical views of the world. In other words more education period - not re-education or reprogramming or indoctrination. Matriarchs have been traditionally thought of as rather autocratic, making most decisions and leading a rather docile group of "followers." While this may be the case in some populations and in some families, it has not been our observation. Can be a lengthy and noisy procedure. It's been speculated that the elites imposed the matriarchal system on the serf class to weaken their social organization and more easily subjugate them. The very fact that women give birth effects a women, physically, mentally and emotionally. They can get away with it because science is still controlled by male chauvinists. It is a technique in medical science that uses the radio waves and magnetic field to generate reports in images about the organs and tissues in the body. Crime and poverty go together. The advantages of patriarchy are that it assigns leadership. They certainly make perfect sense within an evolutionary perspective. The point I am making about this, is that the masculine, competitive instinct drives men towards, conflict, violence and warfare. You can see this happening today in Syria. The status of the children is mostly decided by the status of the mother. Hi Girlwriteswhat, Competition certainly motivates men, this is why capitalism has been a success because businessmen are strongly motivated when competing against other businessmen. I never get the same problems with men. A matriarchal government will be far more likely to want to care for the children and people in the countries they rule. Some women will use men to do violence to another man for them. That's like saying that mustaches turn people into dictators. He was the one with the last name and the sword, so it was all him.". This is a personality trait issue that is encouraged by some and dispised by others. As for there being collective guilt and reward you are most certainly right about that; men as a collective have been given their just reward by Mother Nature which has been the result of all the problems we now must address as a result, not to mention the praise among societies for their for their inventiveness, is that not reward enough? Women have never done anything like this. So this means that while men ruled through violence and intimidation, patriarchy was the only option. Research and Development. But women are likewise motivated by their maternal instinct. William Bond (author) from England on May 15, 2012: Over 99% of the violence of the world is committed by men. The only thing interesting you touched on was the fact that there are virtually no matriarchies in recorded history. The authority belongs to a male head followed by the distant members of the same family tree. Have you thought about that? This can make some people feel claustrophobic. What percentage? The Caliper study findings are summarized into four specific statements about women's leadership qualities: Women leaders are more persuasive than their male counterparts. Yes, men are very, very good at blaming women for their violence and not taking personal responsibility for what they do. Therefore, you get sole custody. Yes, it is strange, whenever I talk about matriarchy, in my experience, I have found that some of strongest and most vocal supporters of patriarchy are women. Just education but more of it and most importantly, available to more people. Clearly, in the private sphere where women feel confident, they are fully capable of being every bit as aggressive and violent as men. This is not a easy thing to do. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. If you're going to judge half the human population, at least take all things into consideration. I mean, I would ferociously attack those who steal the work of others due to their lack of dignity and respect for those who were truly responsible for such accomplishments! Believe it or not, that is a PATRIARCHAL image of women you're painting. Precisely! List of the Disadvantages of a Monarchy 1. Want to disagree with me? And remember, these TROs are unfounded or false--meaning the man did NOT brutalize the woman into behaving in this way. Matriarchy leads to polytheism. You could make an enormous list of things that are virtually or exactly the same with both men and women. We can see this behavior in sport. In the process of helping the children they will within a generation, also help everyone else in the country they rule, When matriarchy is discussed, some people mention Margaret Thatcher and point out they she wasnt a very caring leader, so it seems all women are judged by her actions, but we wish to explain that a female leader of a patriarchal political party, is not a Matriarchal government. 3. It has nothing to do with "patriarchy". yes i do think that over the years men have surppressed any idea like this to protect themselves and there greed. And again, you seem to blame men for all the bad things that have ever happened, without once realizing that the competitive push of men is what carried us from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post industrial. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. They do this with rape, in places like Pakistan, if a woman was to complain she was raped, she is the one more likely to be sent to jail, and not the rapist. Even if it were true, it is still sexism. Hope, the Advantages & Disadvantages of MS Access listed above helps you choose the right version of MS Access. "The fact is that is it nearly always men who fight in wars or commit genicide.". Some of the strongest advocates of patriarchy are women. There is not a big problem with men competing with each other in sport, but it becomes a real problem when men compete on a battlefield with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, flame throwers, aircraft, rockets and nuclear weapons. Omg, I'm so not a feminist. The biggest and strongest stag gets to mate with most of the females and those who are not strong enough, never get the chance to mate. Stop pedestalizing us. For example: There have been many wars in history. All members of the family are given an equal voice and say in family matters and no specific individual is the head of the household. It is taking all the elements of nature separate and independent. In a world filled with deception I've known it to be the best approach. It is just a matter of convincing women of this. Every society incorporates some basic components in its system of reckoning kinship: family, marriage, postmarital residence, rules that prohibit sexual relations (and therefore . The big problem with this argument is that it is not true, men and women can never be the same, because women have children and men dont. Many governments attempt to balance the powers of a monarchy between multiple groups, but a ruler that is determined to be cruel . But if you try to make any such claims about other peoples worth and capability people you have never met that is when you're out of you're causing trouble. Men did not "discover" that women can be controlled by violence. It is always men that are the most violent criminals, which is why prisons are full of men. In matriarchal societies, matriarchs are leaders and hold essential positions that carry powerful intentions. In some demographics, over 40% of pregnancies end in abortion. If you decide for yourself that's not sexism then, again, that's your choice. I mean, what would you change about the current democratic system of the Western developed countries? For a long time, men have dominated the better portion of society. They are objects, merely reacting to things that are done to them, with no volition or free will to choose a better way? And i certainly cannot see patrairchy ever solving problems like warfare and poverty. "Patrairchal rulers treat people as if they are numbers, or pawns in a chess game. It was she who done all the research into DNA, but then one of her male assistants, secretly gave her data, to Crick and Watson who published it before she did. Yes, patriarchy is very, very good at justifying wars and poverty. "but you tell me that it may not have nothing to do with male rule!? Don't put different words in my mouth now. Please don't stone me - the poor human - for translating what my alien-from-outer-space friend said to me. Patriarchy presents the opposite picture. Patriarchy and matriarchal societies both have male heads of state or religious leaders. Men do a terrible job in ruling our world. We say, "She was confused and troubled", or "her circumstances were very hard", or "she was a good mother, but society failed her, she just slipped through the cracks". When a woman does the same, we do not hold her accountable in the same way. A male-only priesthood gives men the sense that they have something unique to contribute, and is... Choice of either giving away their power, irrelevant of what country, is the biggest problem an list... Based on their areas of specialty a system of governance administered by women of,. 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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy