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major problems of agriculture in ethiopia

Furthermore, it requires institutionalizing the policy of institutions, technologies, capacity building, infrastructure, and markets to mitigate the constraints of smallholders (Awulachew et al., 2007). Science Business. What are the major problems of soil in Ethiopia? Collaborating with agro ecology, agroforestry, climate-smart agriculture, and conservation agriculture could boost drastic cuts in the Ethiopian economy. In the coming decades, ensuring food security is one of the greatest challenges in Ethiopia. But these data are the landholding sizes rather than the landlessness or override them. Depressed commodity prices are the leading cause of this drop in exports. The overall food prices in Ethiopia were inflated from 7.4 to 15.8% between the years of 20142019 ( Improving irrigation technology like water harvesting technology is the best option to reduce water losses and improve water use efficiency from the soil-plant system. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Currently, the proportion of the population that access more than 2 ha of farmland achieve a basic subsistence under normal conditions of productivity levels. . THE MAJOR AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS The highland mixed farming system The dominant farming system in Ethiopia is peasant farming where intensive multiple crop production is integrated with livestock production. Feed shortage was the primary constraint in both areas. Review, Small farms, smaller plots: Land size, fragmentation, and productivity in Ethiopia, Agricultural innovations for sustainable crop production intensification, Ethiopia: Share of economic sectors in the gross domestic product (GDP) from 2009 to 2019, Family planning and fertility: Estimating program effects using cross-sectional data, The rain doesnt come on time anymore: Poverty, vulnerability, and climate variability in Ethiopia, The impact of farm size on agricultural sustainability, Variability and trends of temperature and rainfall over three agro ecological zones in North Shewa, central Ethiopia, Review of climate change and health in Ethiopia: Status and gap analysis, The impact of agricultural extension and roads on poverty and consumption growth in fifteen Ethiopian villages, Briefing note 5 economic assessment of the costs of deforestation in South-West Ethiopia, Land degradation: A challenge to Ethiopia, Climate change and its effects on vegetation phenology across ecoregions of Ethiopia, Population growth and cultivated land in rural Ethiopia: Land use dynamics, access, farm size, and fragmentation. Moreover, it also leads migration, humanitarian aid, and food production under more capital-intensive that concentrated in fewer hands from input accessing to the provisioning of food distribution (FAO, 2017). Hunger and extreme poverty are reduced globally since the 1990s (FAO, 2016). Ethiopia is known as the water tower of East Africa. It also declines the levels of arable land availability (Campbell, 2011; Pender et al., 2006). ), land degradation which often leads to desertification, poor climatic conditions (including severe droughts), etc. However, Ethiopias current fruit and vegetable export to nearby international markets, like The Middle East, is very limited and requires refrigeration to keep fresh produce during transportation to Djibouti where it can be shipped to international markets. In 20182020years alone the locust caused high-yield losses in the rift valley, eastern, north-central, and northern parts of Ethiopia. Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy, and the agricultural sector is dominated by smallholder farming systems. The integral agricultural practices to sustain its growth include the use of farmland, labor, other inputs through technological progress, social innovation, and new business models in efficient and effective ways by conserving the scarce natural resources according to local conditions (Troell et al., 2014; OECD, 2011). The percentage share of GDP by major economic sector in the year 2010/11 was 44.7 for agriculture, 10.5 for industry and 45.5 for the service sector but these figures changed to 38.5, 15.1 and 46.3% in the year 2014/15 in the same order of the sectors [9,10]. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The 1995 Constitution of 'a 3 nation of nations' was designed for sound and understandable historical reasons, to remedy deep-seated wrongs in the respect for Ethiopia's ethno-nations, and to . The future focus of the Ethiopian government and people will be investing in infrastructure including the promotion of water development technologies, especially investing in irrigation that provides an opportunity to improve the productivity of land and labor (Bekele et al., 2007). This is true in the case of Ethiopia, where the youngsters are more motivated to buy and use the innovated and improved agricultural technologies than older generations even in recent times. It accelerates soil erosion, flooding, and drought. Ethiopia is vulnerable to climate change. Ethiopia. This particular sector determines the growth of all other sectors and consequently the whole national economy. Among the sub-sectors of agriculture, crop production is a major contributor to GDP accounting for approximately 28% in 2005/2006. It improves the drastic cuts in economy-wide and agricultural fossil fuel use by addressing climate change, prevent emerging transboundary agricultural threats like pests and natural hazards, which affects all ecosystems and every aspect of human life through International collaboration (FAO, 2017). Soil erosion has been one of the country's major problems. The logic behind the difficulty is that almost all of the arable land is occupied by farmers mostly during the Derge regime (1975 or before 4050years ago), except some of the youth who get small farm size from their parents as gifted or inherited. By the end of the century, the share of young children could be declined to 5.8%, while the proportion of older people may rise to 22.7% (UNDESA, 2015). Alluvial beds of major rivers close to 16%. This review paper addresses the key problems to the countrys policymakers, academic workers, researchers, farmers, and other stakeholders to plan to solve the problems in the future. crop productions and animal rearing) took place. Ethiopia is the country where political unrest occurred for a long period of time that affected agricultural productivity and production in the past and at present. Why poverty? In Ethiopia, agriculture is started during the Neolithic revolution era, ten thousand years ago. Waterlogging is the main drainage problem in the small scale irrigation schemes in the Vertisols dominated highland areas while salinity and salinization is a common phenomenon in the large and. This made the farmers unable to withstand seasonal risks of crop failure or animal deaths that even worsen the problem and force them to live in continuous poverty and are hopeless. The sector accounts for about 10% of Ethiopias export income, with leather and leather products making up 7.5% and live animals 3.1%. Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (1998); ELPAA (Ethiopia Land Policy and Administration Assessment) (2004), Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (2015) and Diriba (2020), ** is statistically significant at p <0.05. The urgency and complexity of the problem of lack of food self-sufficiency, the inefficiency of economic development forced the Ethiopia government to secure food at very high cost (FAO, 2011; USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), 2010). The food demand and price are increased in the recent decade than ever in Ethiopia. Why poverty? While, Gebreyesus and Kirubel (2009) reported that the heavy reliance of some 85 percent of Ethiopia's growing population on an exploitative kind of subsistence agriculture is a major reason behind the current state of land degradation. In Ethiopia, smallholder agriculture is vulnerable mainly to recurrent drought and human induced factors owing to population pressure. This is one of the leading issues that they are facing every day. In summary, the prospects require the institutional reforms and proclamations that primarily focus on investment in agricultural infrastructures, encouraging private agricultural sector investors, advanced agricultural technology adoptions to mention a few as a role that should be played by the Ethiopian government. Risk and resilience in a new era. Not only will there be more mouths to feed, but as incomes grow in emerging and . Sharecropping contracts could minimize the land demand of over 95% temporarily, but could not secure the familys food demand since it limited through time. Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. Soil is a non-renewable or finite resource and is the bank of nutrients for plant growth. Therefore, emphasizing agriculture in Ethiopia requires the political as well as the economic commitment of all parties concerned. For instance, waterlogging is highly problematic in Vertisols of the highlands while salinity is in lowland areas of the country (Merga & Ahmed, 2019). The mono-cropping system of some crops in the central highland of Ethiopia also led to nutrient depletion (Merga & Ahmed, 2019). It also did not indicate methods of curbing environmental degradation that could result from the lease of the natural resources to private investment be it agriculture or mining. Such integration of agricultural stakeholders may improve smallholder livelihoods; shorten food supply chains and impact biodiversity through inclusive and resilient food production way. Shallot, garlic, potatoes and chillies are mainly produced under . You are not required to obtain permission to reuse this article in part or whole. The Ethiopian highland soil is originally quite fertile and decomposed from volcanic materials. This isconstrained by abiotic and biotic factors. However, Ethiopias current fruit, vegetable, and animal production for export are very limited because of fragmented cultivation and lack of quality. Dryland areas in Ethiopia encompass pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in the country and have long been regarded as peripheries especially in economic terms. It is the responsibility of the government to establish strategies for the growth . Many are now forced to rely on welfare assistance aid and dependent on imported cereals (Diriba, 2020). This information indicated that the irrigation practice of Ethiopia is young and inefficient to produce at its full capacity. Nov. 13, 2009. Besides, soil and water pollution, poor waste management, climate change, and decreases in the natural ability of the land to recover economic activities are also the contributing factors to soil degradation (Lanfredietal., 2015; Bai et al., 2008) that leads to the loss or reduction of the biological productivity of land (UNCCD, 2019). Ethiopia is home to a large number of people living below the international poverty line, and although the economy is diversifying, farming is still the main source of income for many people. This does not work for all youth because it depends on the status of family farmland background. The rapidly increasing populations, depletion of soil fertility, landlessness, climate change, deforestation, political turmoil, and degradation of natural resources are among the current problems facing the country. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Arthropod pests such as locust (Schistocerca gregaria), fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta), stalk borer (Busseola fusca, Chilo partellus and Sesamia calamistis), cutworm, fruit flies (Ceratitis cosyra, C. fasciventris, C. rosa, C. anonae, and C. capitata, Bactrocera dorsalis, B. invadens), termites (Macrotermes, Odontotermes, Microtermites, etc), weevils [(Sitophilus spp. It is reported that over the last 4050years, the mean annual temperature of Ethiopia increased from 0.2C to 0.28C per decade (McSweeney et al., 2010). MoANR (Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources). The technological input like synthetic chemical fertilizers has also increased the acidity of soil from time to time in high rainfall areas. The vast majorities of smallholder farmers of Ethiopia living in perpetually substandard conditions, relying on traditional systems, undercapitalized; farm on fragmented land, depleted soil fertility with high competition of pests, and low investment in agricultural inputs (chemical fertilizer, improved seeds, and pesticides) (ATA, 2014). Just clear tips and lifehacks for every day. UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). Within the country, there is a lack of improved seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation. Preface PART I: THE SETTING One-Introduction Two-Socio-Economic Characteristics PART II AGRICULTURE BEFORE THE REVOLUTION Three-Growth in Agricultural Output and Area Four-Land Tenure System Five- Agricultural Credit Six-Marketing Organisations Seven-Community Development Programme PART III :AGRICULTURE SINE THE REVOLUTION Eight-Agrarian Reform Implimentation of land Reform Appendix I Appendix . Globally, about 3.2 billion people are affected by land degradation ( 2 and 3). But increased input alone does not increase the food supply and staple crop yields, and thus farm income declines as population density increases. Soil erosion is an endogenous factor that happened during heavy rainfall and wind. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia and requires urgent intervention to secure the food demand of the people (Woreka, 2004). Subsistence farmers constituted about 97% of Ethiopian agricultural activities. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute). By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. This indicated the gap between actual and potential yields that reflect constraints, such as insufficient adoption of technologies, lack of integrated market, and gender inequalities in small-scale family farming communities (FAO, 2011b). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is the water towers of East Africa that can be used for irrigation agriculture and more importantly hydroelectric power for East African countries in an attempt to address the problem related to global warming. Only 2% of smallholder land is irrigated and as little as 3.7% have access to agricultural machinery. Problems of Agriculture In Nigeria with examples. (, University of Pennsylvania Press (for International Food Policy Research Institute), The role of remote sensing in land degradation assessments: Opportunities and challenges, Newly emerging insect pests and diseases as a challenge for growth and development of Ethiopia: The case of Western Oromiya. A little modification has been made to bring internal transformation in the thinking and working habit of the people in the past century. Advertisement. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". How much of Ethiopias land is under cultivation? It is a basis for eradicating extreme poverty and reduces inequalities within region levels of income, opportunities, and ownership of assets, including land and building resilience to protracted crises, disasters, and conflicts by promoting inclusive and equitable development in the country. The problems related to basic infrastructures like roads, hydroelectric generation plants, irrigation tools, and other farm equipment availability in the country and limitation of foreign currencies for importation also limited the attractiveness of the agricultural sector to private investors (Diriba, 2020). Although soil erosion, overgrazing, and deforestation have seriously damaged the plateaus, nearly half the potentially cultivable land is still available for use. However, the expected level was not achieved. Table 11. If critical issues are not addressed the food price inflation creates political instability, disorder, chaos, unemployment, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, imbalance, and inefficient resource distributions among the nations which may lead to migration. Presented by Dr. Abera Deresa (State Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) at the 'Dialogue on Ethiopia's Agricultural Development', 12 November 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Five major cereals (teff, wheat, maize, sorghum, and barley) are the core of Ethiopias agriculture and food economy, accounting for about three-fourths of the total area cultivated, 29 percent of agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) in 2005/06 (14 percent of total GDP), and 64 percent of calories consumed (FAO . In Ethiopia, it is characterized by high-input and resource-intensive farming systems that harmoniously caused losses of important microorganisms, massive deforestation, freshwater scarcities, soil nutrient depletion, and high levels of greenhouse gas emissions and then hindered agricultural outputs (FAO, 2017). This forecast is based on the trends from 1950 to 2015, which indicated that the share of children below the age of five declined from 13.4% to 9.1%, while above 65years life expectant increased from 5.1 to 8.3% (FAO, 2017). It is also difficult to implement mechanize farms, inefficient to work on it to secure the families demand because the small farm size cultivated is yielded lower. IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development). They failed to recognize the seriousness of the danger and complexity even when the problems had actually revealed themselves. Evidence from Ethiopia, Challenges and possibilities for attribution studies in developing countries: Ethiopian drought of 2015, Land fragmentation and food insecurity in Ethiopia, Early identification of land degradation hotspots in complex bio- geographic regions, Ethiopias food insecurity: Europes role within the broader context of food flows, climate change and land grabs, Effects of monoculture, crop rotation, and soil moisture content on selected soil physicochemical and microbial parameters in wheat fields, The UNDP climate change country profiles improving the accessibility of observed and projected climate information for studies of climate change in developing countries, Farmers response to climate change and variability in Ethiopia: A review, A review on agricultural problems and their management in Ethiopia, Ministry of Livestock and International Livestock Research Institute. The drought, erratic rainfall and frost variables are also affecting agricultural outputs. Ethiopia one of the fastest-growing economies in the continent. About 0.7% of the country is covered with natural water bodies or lakes (MoWR (Ministry of Water Resources), 2002) which is around 744, 400ha (IUCN (international union for conservation of nature), 2010), and the amount of water it holds is estimated to be 70 billion cubic meters. In FY 2017/2018, the United . According to Infomineo (2016), the key agricultural sectors in Ethiopia are the following: Coffee & tea; Ethiopia has a great potential for coffee production, thanks to the country's abundant rainfall, optimum temperatures, conducive altitude, and fertile soil. The reduced precipitation and rise of temperature could influence agricultural practices and their results widely (Shekuru et al., 2020). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For many low-income families, low harvests mean they do not have enough food and are unable to eat nutritious food on a regular basis. the major issues discussed are: instability in grain prices finance and credit post production losses transportation and communication grades and standards storage processing information transactions costs f table 1: problems and knowledge gaps in grain marketing and probable solutions a constraint for It posed a huge challenge to Ethiopians. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The population of Sub-Saharan Africa countries projected to be doubled by 2050 (increased by 99%) (UNDESA, 2015). Land degradation impact index (GLADIS). The country has also a great variety of climate and soil types that can grow diverse horticultural crops for home consumption and foreign markets (Ashinie & Tefera, 2019). The political unrest was expressed in frequent protests that resulted in the loss of the existing resources of both private and public such as mechanized farm equipment, shelters, floriculture, personal house, shops, materials, other farm equipment, and tools of the researchers institute and campaigns are a real crisis of visions that could bring a total failure of understanding, and unwilling to work devotional following this unrest and harassment especially discouraging private investors in the agricultural sector (FAO, 2019; ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), 2017; ATA, 2014; ATA, 2013). These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Why agriculture is the backbone of Ethiopian economy? This aggravated soil erosion, low agricultural output, conflict, and food insecurity in the country (MoFAN (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands), 2018). Deforestation is a contributor to global climate change, and is often cited as one of the major causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect [7]. Table 10. However, in contrast to this finding, Aragie (2013) reported that in the past four decades the annual temperature increased by 0.37C per decade. Machinery including computers: US$1.7 billion (11.4% of total imports) Consequently, the countrys minimum temperature has increased by 0.37C to 0.4C per decade (Astawsegn, 2014). What is causing the plague in Thebes and how can it be fixed? The maize lethal necrotic viruses, leaf and fruit spot of citrus (Pseudocercospora angolensis), Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) of ginger (Duressa, 2018), garlic rot (Sclerotium cepivorum Berk), Bacterial wilt of ginger (Ralstonia solanacearum), and new races of wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp.tritici (1b) are among the major crop diseases (MoANR (Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources), 2016). 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major problems of agriculture in ethiopia