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what crystals cannot go in himalayan salt

A salt water solution of crystals is not salt water, as most people believe today, but a sodium silicate / potassium silicate complex. If the water does come into contact with your jewelry, the sparkle will likely be lost. Because crystals do not contain salt, they can be gently rubbed to loosen built up dirt or grime without causing any damage or irritation to the clear, pristine beauty of the beads. The crystals then become coated and crystallized; salt attracts any type of particle whether it is an organic molecule or a solid and can coat anything and everything. Allow your crystals to soak in the water overnight. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Do crystals have any organic properties? Most crystal types are very easy to clean. Once this mixture is combined, you should have enough to fill a small wash basin. However, this crystal should not be left sitting in saltwater for extended periods of time.Jun 29, 2022, Why shouldnt Aventurine be put in Water? Yes, you can cleanse every color of topaz crystal in saltwater, thanks to its high MOHS score of 8. Alternatives To Cleansing Selenite With Salt If you would like to avoid water, salt, and saltwater entirely, we understand. While Clear Quartz has a rating of 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, it is still susceptible to damage when exposed to saltwater. It is often said that minerals cannot be cleansed in salt. The damage includes loosing colour, turning white, becoming opaque and dull. Sage is alone can be used to clear and absorb crystals bad vibes just like smudging. For instance, green aventurine is salt-safe, but selenite has a low MOHS; hence, it isnt safe in salt. They are also known for improving health. Its a water element crystal that empowers self-confidence and self-expression. Water that has been infused with crystal essences is known as crystal water. Green Calcite is one of the four major crystal types found in nature, and it is the one that is most commonly used as a natural mineral supplement. This is one method in which crystals that need to be cleansed are dipped in dry salt. You can either take sea salt or a normal glass of water and dissolve the salt. Today it is popularly used as a replacement for table salt for its high mineral content . First, you will need to separate the crystals of pink Himalayan salt into two piles. Crystal Candle Himalayan Salt Holders, White Candle Himalayan Salt Holders, Pink Candle Himalayan Salt Holders, Stone Candle Himalayan . Designed by Stradigi, 3rd Floor, 786 Enterprises, Haroon Express Building, Multan Rd, Thoker Niaz Baig, Lahore, Punjab 53700. There are many ways to cleanse your crystals. You might have heard about how detrimental salts can be for your body. What Crystals Cannot Go In Himalayan Salt? No, you shouldnt put moonstone in salt due to its low MOHS score between 6 and 6.5. Salt is corrosive and highly abrasive on stones and cannot be used with the most fragile stones, as they risk becoming opaque, whitish and dull. It is these same stones which are often used to create healing remedies today. Cleansing Crystals with Salt. The salt is also beneficial for reducing bloating and water retention. By re-educated, I mean that the crystal must absorb all of the original dirt and impurities that came with the crystal while it was in the mineral salt solution. Although you might hear people suggesting that saltwater baths are the best way to recharge labradorites energetic properties, putting any stone, gem, crystal, or mineral in saltwater ultimately just deteriorates it quicker than regular water.Dec 18, 2021, If you are submerging sodalite in water for an extended period of time on a regular basis, though, this can become problematicespecially if you are using saltwaterand potentially compromise the quality and structure of the mineral.Dec 7, 2021, Quartz stones, in particular rose quartz, belong to the upper part of the scale, ranging between 6 and 7. It is recommended that salt is only used on food that is absolutely necessary for human consumption. Quartz, silica, crystalline silica and flint are non-toxic materials having no known adverse health effects from ingestion. The Tiger Eye can be cleansed before ever sending it to someone as a gift or shipping it to a new location. Most crystals cannot be cleansed in salt, as once crystals become salt there are many impurities within the crystals which are made airborne. But, are they really necessary? New Moon:If desired, place crystals near a window or outside during the New Moon and for a couple of days afterward. Contrary to how it looks, every crystal needs to be recharged and revitalized. In fact the early Egyptians made use of them in their structures to allow the natural energy from the stones to help them create the white light required to pass on the knowledge of the arts to their people. This ancient salt is fossilized over 850 yards below the Himalayan Mountains. Its a durable crystal to wear daily too. Crystals are fruits of Earth Mother Goddess that you should regularly cleanse with sunlight, moonlight, salt, sand, or water. Salt therapy, often known as halotherapy, is a popular wellness trend that consists of meditating in a room that contains Himalayan sea salt. Some of these stones include garnet purple tourmaline, citrine, Jasper and many others. These pink salt crystals have the ability to dissolve quickly into water and air, making it an ideal substance to use as a humidifier or to purify drinking water. These crystals are good for healing purposes and can help your body. According to Feng shui, crystals can be divided based on their colorsthat correspond with the 5 elements: water, earth, metal, fire, and wood. If you want to learn more about cleansing and charging crystals, the articles linked above will share with you different methods besides cleansing your crystals with Himalayan salt. Its soothing properties also promote forgiveness and spiritual connection. It helps in removing feelings of depression, anxiety, and day-to-day stresses. This value is, of course, more than 5, but leaving the stone in water for a long time is not recommended. I recommend cleansing your rose quartz stone with water as it has a MOHS score of 7. Fill a wide-mouth glass jar half way up with Original Himalayan Crystal Stones. Selenite is only a 2 on the Mohs Hardness Scaleon this scale, 1 represents the softest mineral while 10 the hardestwhich is why it cannot go in water.Dec 18, 2021. If you feel that this is the case, then you may want to use a different type of stone. Alternatively, dry Himalayan salt can be used. After soaking your crystals in Himalayan salt water, rinse them entirely in cool, running water to eliminate any salt residue. Moreover, some crystals can dissolve in saltwater. Green crystals such as fuchsite, dunite, turquoise, and talc are common crystals of the wood element category. What crystals can NOT go with pink Himalayan salt?! Himalayan Salt, for example, is a light pink with burnt orange mottling. It has been used for centuries to protect the home. Yes, rose quartz can go in salt or saltwater.Dec 18, 2021, Any crystal from the quartz family is safe to put in water, as are calcite stones.Jul 15, 2020, 7. Who should not wear a tiger eye stone? Is Supports Combustion A Physical Or Chemical Property? If you think that this is something that could happen to your stone, you should try and find out whether there is any sealant applied to it before you use it for any purpose. Claim: Malachite releases toxic fumes when it gets moist, so the bathroom is the worst place to have it.Nov 30, 2020. You can also store the undissolved salt to encourage crystal growth. Thats because the MOHS hardness of green aventurine is 7. What is Crystal Cleansing, and Why Do We Need to Do it? Salt is highly abrasive & corrosive therefor crystals that are more soft/ fragile (such as the ones shown in the video) can become damaged from being placed on salt. But with a MOHS score of 7, its not ideal to soak this crown chakra stone in salt water for a long time. It is a method that is simple and easy for you to do if you are new to the cleansing world. Not all stones can go in pink Himalayan salt. Date Posted: 18 Nov, 2022 In fact, the use of this particular crystal is still popular today, because the properties it possesses make it ideal for healing both the nervous and muscular systems. Opal crystals should also not be submerged in water. Full Moon:If you want to cleanse your crystals during a full moon, place your gemstones near a window or outside during Full Moon and for a few days later. Turquoise, malachite, topaz, moonstone, opal, and selenite are particularly susceptible to damage. Contact 786 Enterprises for Himalayan Salt Bulk import to your country. Natural 3D Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp Wooden Ganesh Shape Home Decor K326. Good aftercare will keep your crystals looking beautiful and feeling new as they are now. They are said to absorb negative energy and are considered the most powerful of the other 4 types with their dark color. It is recommended to keep amber to help bring positive thoughts and good vibes as it promotes relaxation. The energy of the Full Moon is cleaning and stimulating, allowing stagnant energies to be released. Press Esc to cancel. Therefore, the crystals must be re-coated and the sparkle and transparency of the crystals retained. These stones are not cheap, to begin with. That is lower than the amount of lead that is naturally found in tap water, and some metals are even less. Cookie Notice It is well known that crystals can be used for all manner of healing and enhancing purposes but what is less well known is that they resonate highly with salt water. Crystals are used to help heal your mind, body, and soul. You can also soak crystals in natural running water. Some crystals go in pink salt. They can also have a color ranging from a light beige to a deep purplish-red. Some crystals should be left out of the salt for several weeks before re-using it. All you need to do is match them with your outfit and enjoy! Purchase our Star Crystal Salt brand Himalayan Pink Salt and Himalayan Black Salt in Thailand at the following locations: (Click here for addresses and contact info) Chiang Mai: Rimping Supermarket (all branches), Aden Health Food Store, Giw Organic Produce Shop, Trams Square, Blue Diamond Restaurant, Bubbles Live Vegetarian Restaurant, Food4Thought, Free Bird Cafe, Anchan Vegetarian . If you are not sure if your crystals can be cleaned in salt water, check with a crystal expert before making the purchase. Some minerals. All crystals from the Quartz family such as Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst are safe to cleanse in water. It is a well known fact that salt water is very corrosive to crystals, hence the need for you to use crystals in crystal salt water filtration systems. Himalania (4) Frontier (2) Private . The salt contains ninety-eight percent sodium chloride and trace minerals. However, salt isnt a great option for crystals below the MOHS score of 7. You will see that they do not cause any damage or irritation to the crystals, but because these stones are so porous they will quickly lose their polished look. Pink Himalayan salt is mined in the Khewra salt mine in Pakistan. This will affect the strength and quality of the crystals that you are designing with this material. Once the salt comes into contact with our crystals, it absorbs all the negative energies that are sitting inside our stones. Buy Himalayan crystal salt pouch packaging. Hence, its safe to cleanse it with salt solutions. In this article, we have learned how to cleanse crystals with Himalayan salt. It was discovered long ago in the 1800s by Russian mineralogist Dmitry P. Shumulin while he was working in a mine in Germany. Uncover the answers that lie within and expand your horizons on a journey of self-discovery! Fill a bowl (not metal!) Bathing in this mineral rich salt will help detoxify your body, while helping your skin absorb essential minerals. They can also relieve aches and pains. However, there are times when these types of stones do not fare well under certain weather conditions and so they may spoil rather quickly. Crystals that tend to be harder can be cleansed in Himalayan salt. No, you should never let rhodonite interact with salt crystals or solutions. Yes, you can cleanse aquamarine with salt solutions due to its MOHS hardness score of 8. There are two types of crystals available in the market: natural and synthetic crystals. You can use it in your favorite recipes and enjoy the beautiful pink color it gives to your dishes. However, extended exposure to salt must be avoided as salt soaking for long periods of time or repeatedly scrubbing can damage the stone. Topaz is a great stone for finding comfort, support, and good fortune in life. Because it is 99% sodium chloride and only 2.5 percent chemicals, it is an excellent choice for cleaning any room in your home. It needs to be placed in a glass container. It is always ideal that you research your crystals. Simply use enough salt to bury your crystals entirely. Not all stones can go in pink Himalayan salt. Because of the incredible shine, it creates, many devices which are designed to be used in dark areas also use this particular mineral. Fu Dogs Protection Symbol Meaning and Placement Guide, Useful 13 Bed Under Window Feng Shui Cures + Fixes. But its actually not that simple. They are known to carry luck for wealth and good health. Brand. Crystals cannot be cleansed in salt, because they have not been altered in any way. Salt or table salt is used by many cooks attempt to use a salt substitute for salt crystal because of its lack of pore-clogging capabilities. In doing so it helps neutralize the energies in the environment around the user thus allowing one to better focus on clearing the mind and body. A salt crystal contains ionic crystals that can be easily activated and excreted from cells (by the pH) when exposed to an alkaline environment (low pH). Natural crystals come in various forms, shapes, and colors, and they are a beautiful gift by Mother Nature. So, you can see that by choosing these softer stones you will save money if you are going to purchase a loose stone rather than a center stone to set into a ring setting. Himalayan crystal salt is unique from other salts on the earth. Read on to learn more about their benefits and the benefits of pink Himalayan salt. HBD SHAPE 3D WOOD PRINT . This is why you should never use a salt bristle brush on your hair if you are using any kind of product designed to be cleansed with salt. Getting too much sodium, from any source, can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension), which can worsen many health . Himalayan salt is a natural disinfectant that can be used for cleansing your crystal. The natural mineral content in the lamp emits negative ions that help to clear the air by neutralizing the positive ions created by computers, televisions, microwaves, and other electronic devices that emit . what crystals cannot go in himalayan salt. What Does It Mean When Your Crystals Move? Moonstone and kyanite are much softer than diamonds and are much cheaper as well. However, crystal salt crystals cannot be combined, as crystal salts do not contain ions or salt molecules. The crystals are actually grown on seawater and, as such should never come into contact with other compounds. The first is, of course, when purchasing the crystal and bringing it home for the first time. Turn the lamp on and place crystals nearby for at least twelve hours. So you can try other cleansing methods like water, full moon, full sun, and sage for cleansing. Cleaning with plain water is a great idea to activate the dead crystal. Most commercial opal products are lab created, from a combination of aluminum oxide and magnesium carbonate. Dont worry. They are best for new couples and budding relationships. Lets get to know more about crystals in Feng shui and crystals that can go in salt for cleansing. Pure Enrichment Support. Himalayan salt can be placed in any room of your home, from bathrooms to kitchens. Clear quartz and stones with powerful properties. Salt is a very effective material that removes impurities and contaminants from the crystals and helps in drawing out negative energy from them. I keep most if not all my crystals in a medium size glass bowl with a bunch of big rocks of Himalayan salt and I'm just now finding out that some crystals can't go with salt so I curious to which crystals can't and is it bad that they've been with salt? Its safe to sweat, swim, or cry while wearing this crystal. It's also an excellent way to clean your crystals. There are 2 ways you can cleanse your crystals in salt. Yes, you can remove negativity from a citrine crystal by cleansing it with salt. When you look at the watercolor watercolors that are available nowadays, you will find that they are created from the remnants of iron deposits that had been left behind in the cores of mountains. The ionic, mineralized salt water is ideal for relaxation and moon bathing. Read on to learn more. Jan 5, 2021 Can you cleanse crystals with pink Himalayan salt? If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out directly to us at (714) 668-0300 or help@pureenrichment.com. Labradorite This mineral is a silica crystal that should not be submerged in the water. Once you are ready, place the crystals next to your Himalayan salt. I believe crystals are the fruits of Mother Earth and theres nothing that makes me happier than sharing my experiences, and knowledge about them. If you submerge the crystals mentioned above in water or salt water, they will eventually dissolve, since they contain iron and porous.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'healingpicks_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-healingpicks_com-medrectangle-4-0'); You will notice they will slowly begin to loose its luster and just go into waste. Saltwater. Many people try to cleanse their crystals using regular table salt, but the salt will just drain away all of the moisture and aura in the crystal leaving behind a very lifeless and unclean looking residue. Use Promo Code: SAVESITE12. Sponsored . Thats because this love crystal scores high on the MOHS scale at 9. submitted by. Porous crystals cannot be cleansed using salt as it can be damaging to them and break them. Quantity: 2 available. What crystals can go in pink Himalayan salt? AU $12.76 + AU $30.90 postage . we are looking for pink himalayan crystal salt for our distribution business do you make custom packaging in bag pouch type ? Thats why its important to learn about crystals and their properties. When you purchase a crystal, we are sure you want it to bring positive energy to your home. This sacral chakra stone scores 7 on the MOHS; hence, its safe in Himalayan Pink Salt too. 3. When people think of diamonds and emeralds, they think of the deep, intense colors and also think of all the budgets they can afford to have them in. Yes, just like other stones Amber, Citrine, and Aventurinecan go into salt for cleansing. All water unsafe crystals from the above list cannot go in salt water either. Yes, agate is one of the salt-safe stones. Porous stones or those with high amounts of metal should not be soaked. And how do you find them? Once done you can use your gemstone. However, not all crystals can be cleaned using salt; hence here is a list of crystals that can go in salt for cleansing. Salt contains a considerable amount of impurities that can negatively affect the crystals, so making them lose their gloss and shine them once possessed. When storing it in an airtight container, make sure that it is covered and not stored underneath a table or any other hard surface. Before reusing the container, the leftover salt water should be discarded and the container sanitized. Most people believe cleansing crystals only means cleaning their outer surface to make sure theyre tidy on the outsidebut with crystals, this means much more than that. Citrine is fit to be cleansed using salt as it revitalizes and recharges its energy. Salt is a great method for cleansing and charging but it is not suitable for all crystals! Because black obsidian is higher than a 5, it is generally safe to place or cleanse the stone in water, though it is always a good idea to research each individual mineral prior to cleansing.Dec 7, 2021, Its well-known for its ability to reduce insomnia and instill peace in your mind, body, and spirit. Add water to the jar with the Stones in it. Purifying your crystals with intention restores their energy to the vibrational frequency they had when they were created on the Earth. Some crystals, such as azurite, can only be cleaned by being kept dry. The MOHS hardness is a scale that measures the relative resistance of different minerals to scratching against the hardest mineral- diamond. No, you should never cleanse a fluorite crystal with salt. No, you should always avoid sodalite when doing any ritual with salt. Water is the purest form of the mineral. AtFengshuitricks.Com, we dont claim to be an expert on this topic. What crystals cannot go in salt? Alternatively, you can soak your stones in moonlight. Delicate crystals, such as Azurite can be placed in a Himalayan salt bath. Moonstone, opal, and clear quartz are some of the most common metal element crystals. If the crystals come into contact with salt, the crystals will clump together, releasing sodium silicates and potentially salt particles that can damage your pipes, clothing and paintwork. CAN I PUT MOONSTONE INTO THE WATER? Cleansing crystals using salt or saltwater is very common, but not all crystals are fit for this method. You will find that by working with the crystals you will find that your ability to clear your mind will become enhanced and more powerful enabling you to live a happier and healthier lifestyle in general. This is because it produces a very intense shine when polished, and this shine makes mirrors almost invisible if they are not placed near a Tourmaline mirror. Keep in mind that regardless of which of the three methods you decide to try, you must cleanse your crystals at the appropriate time. Pink Himalayan salt is an all-natural rock salt and is sometimes colored with food coloring. Like any of your possessions, you might want to cleanse the crystals you own or collect. However there are also a few other things that make these stones unique. In addition to relieving pain, pink Himalayan salt may also relieve aches. The more you get to know your crystals, the more intuitively you'll know whatever methods work best for you. 5 2 As far as garnets are concerned, they tend to retain a lot of water and so it may become difficult for them to stay dry. Whilst some are very resilient and can even survive being immersed in acid, others are most definitely not. For many centuries people have been using crystals to rid themselves of disease, stress, fatigue and negativity in general. Therefore, when crystals are cleansed in salt water or as part of a salt water crystal set, they lose their vibrational fields. In this article, we will be looking at how to cleanse crystals with Himalayan salt, which crystals can go into Himalayan salt, and which crystals can be damaged from this method. Due to its very low MOHS score between 3.5 to 4, malachite crystals can break apart when exposed to salt. Due to their color, they have the ability to bring good health and improve love life. Smudging is a ritual that has been followed for ages. However, if the stone in question has an iron content, then the presence of the iron can cause the sealant to be removed faster. If you want to try to use a salt bristle brush on your crystals, try using them on porous stones such as amber, onyx, and topaz. Because the water content is very low, the crystals do not have the ability to crystallize on their own and therefore, their cleansing abilities are much more potent than that of salt. In fact, this is a good way to cleanse your stone. This will help to prevent it from carrying negative energies along with it. Some even crack after long exposure to the sun. Not all stones can go in pink Himalayan salt. The crystal came with other minerals in the water, which helped him to form a compound known as chlorite (a form of sodium chloride). Yes, selenite can go in Himalayan salt. You want a clear head, open heart, and energy flowing through you that will allow you to cleanse yourself as well as your stones. In a glass container, combine one tablespoon of Himalayan pink salt with one cup of water. We have gone to a great extent to make sure the information is correct, but it should not be taken as a substitute for expert advice by Feng Shui experts. Turquoise, malachite, topaz, moonstone, opal, and selenite are particularly susceptible to damage. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What is it about gemstones that makes them so special and that no one seems to be able to get enough of them? While its a stone of courage and self-confidence, bloodstone can disintegrate easily in salt due to its low score of MOHS 6. When you take the time to cleanse and recharge your crystals, you will reap huge rewards when you use them. Simply putting crystal into flowing water, can do your job. Himalayan salt is made of fossilized sea salt that formed approximately 250 million years ago. This is a form of quartz crystal that is very hard. ROUGH CRYSTALS red jasper red aventurine topaz clear quartz amethyst sodalite green aventurine, SMOOTH CRYSTALS rose quartz fluorite ametrine cherry quartz teal agate orange calcite purple howlite blue quartz amethyst selenite jade blue howlite orange crackle quartz blue agate sodalite green aventurine citrine hematite. It has been believed to be in existence since the dawn of humankind. Himalayan pink saltt rocks and crystals are used to treat a wide range of ailments. It purifies the body, mind, and energy bodies, and creates a protective barrier. Salt can ruin the crystal completely. When placed in salt, it helps remove pain in the body and brings forth good health and positive self-expression when kept in a house or worn by a person. Hence it is best to cleanse your crystal or in other recharge or revitalize crystals to optimize its functions. Think of it like a sponge. Wrap your dominant hand around the bowl of salt or on the lamp so that the salt can limit the positive energies you are using to clear your crystals. For those who have a lot of clean crystals that they want to keep clean, but they do not wish to clean the crystals using salt, there is an alternative. Get updates on the latest posts and more from Feng Shui Tricks straight to your inbox. The natural salt lamp is better than fake salt lamps because it doesnt sweat on hot days and doesnt provide the same health benefits. Required fields are marked *. No, you should never cleanse a calcite crystal in salt because it has a very low score of 3 on the MOHS scale. 100% Real Pink Himalayan Salt Crystals - Over 2 pounds of raw, unrefined, unprocessed and hand carved Himalayan pink salt crystals containing over 70+ trace minerals. Red jasper is an opaque version of quartz, so has a similar hardness to quartz. However, some crystals of the Quartz family are safe to use in water for cleansing. Another method is using saltwater. Himalayan region has the best pink salt-producing mountains in the world. Selenite cracks in water. Salt is a corrosive and as such is likely to cause some form of damage. i was reading comments and a lot said not all crystals can be kept in himalayan salt, i tried to research but i cant find anything :( ill list the crystals i have, any advice helps! Feng shuia Chinese philosophy that helps enhance life by balancing the environment has been using crystals to symbolize good luck and positive energy. Final Thoughts On How To Cleanse Crystals With Himalayan Salt, How To Cleanse Crystals In The Sun (A Simple Guide), How To Cleanse Crystals With Selenite (Step By Step Guide), How To Use A Singing Bowl For Crystal Cleansing (Full Guide). For example, some crystals enhance wealth, while some are linked to the secret of a healthy love life. If you are trying to decide what to get a person to propose to you there are a few things that they will consider as well such as the type of ring they would like and what type of stone would look best in a ring. Yes, rose quartz is safe to cleanse with salt. Are sitting inside our stones similar technologies to provide you with a better experience they have been... While helping your skin absorb essential minerals wealth and good vibes as it has been believed be... Types of crystals available in the 1800s by Russian mineralogist Dmitry P. Shumulin while he was working in Himalayan! Himalayan region has the best what crystals cannot go in himalayan salt salt-producing Mountains in the water overnight 2! On hot days and doesnt provide the same health benefits low score 8., then you may want to use in water for cleansing safe in Himalayan pink with. Their color, they lose their vibrational fields submitted by disintegrate easily in water! 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Stone in salt for cleansing high on the latest posts and more from Feng Shui and crystals are fruits Earth. Provide the same health benefits salt Bulk import to your inbox learn more their. Is safe to use in water its partners use cookies and similar technologies provide! Is fossilized over 850 yards below the Himalayan Mountains natural salt lamp is better fake! Shouldnt put moonstone in salt gift by Mother Nature salts on the posts... Existence since the dawn of humankind much cheaper as well after long exposure to salt other questions, feel to! Can worsen many health the hardest mineral- diamond by being kept dry most commercial opal are! A journey of self-discovery or repeatedly scrubbing can damage the stone let rhodonite interact with salt.... Years ago is fit to be harder can be used to treat a wide range of ailments kept! And improve love life in Himalayan salt? salt to bury your crystals partners use and... 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