It probably quieted your lower body. Senior Golfer Tips #9 - Wider Stance. Seniors Crossword Clue The crossword clue Ordeal for many H.S. Cant put both in my bag. To answer the question from the title of this article, no, you shouldn't narrow your stance specifically with the goal of helping your hip turn. Most people say that for your golf stance to be perfect, it should be about shoulder width apart. If you are looking for speed and distance, the wide stance is the choice. When youre young, everybody tells you that body rotation is the key to generating power in your golf swing. Your old setup probably looks something like this: Now, for an older golfer, this golf stance presents an immediate problem. Mastering the senior golf swing comes down to accommodating for limited hip rotation and other flexibility issues. In fact they might do better with an open stance, which lets them get through the ball much more easily. The best players in the world all make excellent use of their hips during the downswing, and you should make it a goal to follow their lead. A poor stance, on the other hand, will hinder your efforts to hit straight and powerful shots. The narrow stance allows for a small swing with plenty of acceleration through the golf ball. This is a good starting point, but what does that mean exactly? Others prefer narrow stance width. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 9* Geek No Brainer with red Stiff Gallofory shaft. I recently viewed a couple of videos where you recommend the dine and on another one the 70 degree wedge hummingbird. The stance can be a bit indicator as to whether or not your ball is going to fly straight. At the age of 17 I became junior world champion, won . A loss against United would see the pressure crank up further on the boss, while a win would dissipate much of the current frustration and angst around the club and give the players a boost. This is something that you cannot get when you use a wider stance. One of the first things you can try to do is to narrow your stance and see how it helps. This type of club improves the speed and is much lighter making the golfing experience . The definite decision of narrow or wide stance being better cannot be made for all golfers. You may be able to move your hips quickly in the downswing, but the shorter backswing will result in a less powerful swing overall. You have reached the maximum number of submissions for today. Ray Cook Putter Reviews Are They Any Good? The wider stance is better when you are trying to hit a fade. This sets your rear hip behind you and sets the positions for your back swing. Generally speaking, the golf ball will start where the club face is aiming. 21* 24* Nike CPR hybrid Aldila by you shaft. Have you considered trying different stances in golf?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'golfjourney365_com-box-3','ezslot_7',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfjourney365_com-box-3-0'); The great thing about the game of golf is that the journey is never over, every day or every round we seek a little adjustment here or there that can make the difference. Associated Press Jan 8, 2023, 1:45 PM EST. . Now youre all set up to hit a nice, high draw. After you arrive at the range and get set up with a bucket of balls for your practice session, take your driver from the bag and set aside a few balls for this drill. The closed golf stance can be an excellent solution for those struggling to release the ball; however, it is not for everyone. Narrow Stance In Golf (Top 7 Advantages Explained) . When you step up to the tee, your goal should be a nice, high draw. This simple tip is aimed at senior golfers and focuses around widening your stance. . Instructions: Start with your feet at hip-width. (David Dusek/Golfweek) As with the new ZX-7 Mk II irons, the Z-Forged II irons have a progressive . In our latest YouTube video, Piers and Andy share three of their best and most effective golf tips for senior golfers. The best way to get results from this is by hitting 100 yard drives. From the top of the backswing all the way down through impact, your hip turn should be leading the way. (We respect privacy and keep all emails confidential). Apologies for the confusion I was going off of an article I read that was . I recommend placing the ball off the inside the lead heel or even the inside of the lead toe. Additionally, a wider stance also gives us a larger base of support, helping to prevent injuries. Required fields are marked *. Are you tired of hitting fat and thin shots in golf? In other words, some players will need to widen their stance in order to get to a good spot, while others will need to narrow their feet considerably. These basics provide a solid foundation, but you can definitely dig deeper if youd like. Something you will notice about golfers with a narrow stance is that they tend to stand a bit more upright when they address the golf ball. The Stack and Tilt swing is solid and built on sound principles. If youre noticing that you dont hit the ball as far as you once did, I have some good news for you: You actually can get closer to the scores you made when you were younger. As you start to gain confidence in this type of swing on pitch shots, gradually work your way up into longer and longer swings. Keep your weight forward. Dont Forget to Check out our 15 best golf swings of all time. You should ideally stand with your feet far apart and narrow so that your body can turn properly when you chip the ball. Standing too narrow may enable you to make a quick hip turn through the shot, but again you will fight a shortened shoulder turn going back. You have to be careful here not to develop a swing that is too far inside to out, which can lead to hook or over draw shot. Join me in our journey to get better everyday. With a driver, it is best to stand with your feet a little wider. The extra stability and the width of the arc are going to help you get much more speed and a golf shaft that goes quite a bit further. Although it is typically a good idea to keep the lower body still, some movement can help. Some golfers tend to take a wider stance and use it as a base of support and power; others find that the narrow perspective can help them turn and get through the golf ball the right way. When you hit a draw, the golf ball lands and rolls, which is the easiest way to add distance to your drive. As golfers reach the level of being a senior golfer, some flexibility and movement may have been lost and the open stance allows the golfer to cheat a little bit and have those hips already open.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'golfjourney365_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfjourney365_com-banner-1-0'); If the thought is to keep your head behind the ball, a golfer can truly find an effortless swing where the club is taken back and dropped into the proper slot to hit a draw or fade. Find a perfect stance width for your game and embrace it. Ordeal For Many H.S. There are a number of factors that come together to determine how well you will be able to use your hips in the downswing. Now that you know the three major golf swing mistakes that are holding you back as an experienced golfer, I want to leave you with one more drill. There are a lot of great tips in there for older golfers, and it doesnt cost you a dime. This will help you fade or slice the ball, which is critical on dogleg holes or to curve the ball around hazards. Once you have accomplished starting the ball consistently on one side of the alignment stick, focus on curving the ball back towards the target. Once the shot is struck, continue all the way up into your finish position and hold steady as you watch the ball fly. Hope that helps. Your legs blend in with the background and it is difficult to distinguish them from the background. Many players get caught up in playing 'golf swing' instead of just golf, and they pay the price on the scorecard. This is a good thing to consider when hitting from the tee box. Because I have never hit the ball so well in my life, Bring your front foot as far behind as is required. The distance between your two feet is surprisingly important in the golf swing, as using different stance widths can lead to rather large changes in your swing and your ball flight. Start with a really narrow stance and then widen the stance slightly as you start to hit the golf ball further, always focusing on getting the path of the club swinging out to the right. Option #1: The Open Golf Stance for Seniors. For driver, you get more centrifugal force from the swing so you need wider stance to . This is because with your feet being closer together, you will have an easier time wrapping the club around your body. Everything you do within your golf swing should serve to improve the swing as a whole not just one part of your game. The Senior Golf Swing Fix. Sep 06, 2019 #2. ). is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Are they next to each other? If your golf stance is too wide, you will likely notice quite a few of your golf shots going high and to the right. The golf ball will then curve away from the swing path. Hip-bump with more pressure /weight on lead. Capable of greatness. For control and consistency, the narrow stance will win. I believe in the following recipe to get better: Here is a list of golf instructors that we have reviewed: We have provided guides on how to break 100, 90, 80 and 70. The main purpose of opening your stance is to open the clubface through impact., Can You Rent Golf Clubs? In addition, golfers often find that they can get a more powerful and wider turn when they have a wider golf stance. To get the best results, you are going to have to experiment with a few different widths and see how it impacts both the distance and direction of your shots. The target line and the start line. Advantages Of Upright Golf Swings For Seniors Some juniors do better with a slightly wider stance because they can feel more balanced and in control. Weve really only scratched the surface of the senior golf swing. However, the club remains aimed at the target. Thanks. Me --I'm a 2 planer wide narrow stance. The stance makes it feel like your body and feet are aimed well to the left for a right handed golfer. Grip with neutral lead/left hand & strong trail/right hand (allows wrists to snap-through). This process can be done over the period of several practice sessions, and you can revisit it from time to time just to confirm your stance is staying on track. Many players find that when hitting shorter shots around the green, the narrow stance is the only way to go. Amateur golfer with no real claim to fame (unless club championships count). In a closed stance, your toe line crosses the target line; therefore, the two lines are not parallel. You hold back. If you topple over as soon as you reach your arms out, youve lost a lot of mobility through the hips. When you swing through with this goal in mind, you naturally learn to swing the golf club from in to out. However, if they are offset, you likely have some work to do with your stance. A narrow stance limits how far many golfers can turn on the backswing and prevents swinging the club back too far inside the target line. If you try to force the same range of motion you used to have, you wind up with lower back pain or other injuries. You just cant twist and turn the way you could when you were young. We will look at the open stance in a bit but let's first look at the closed golf stance. The accuracy and control are essential. I also recommend widening your stance. The advantages to a narrower stance are is that it eases stress on the back, makes it easier to get to the left side in the forward swing, and allows the body to respond more easily to the swinging of the club if that is your approach. Many players fail to understand the importance of the stance, so they pay almost no attention to it while preparing to hit a shot. It enables your lower body to swing comfortably. Position the golf ball more forward in your stance. And this knowledge has probably served you very well for a long time. If you are willing to take the time to sort out the basic details in your golf swing, it is amazing how the more complicated parts tend to work themselves out automatically. The same can be said for a narrow stance and a hook. Wide Stance for Senior Golfers . Instructor David Leadbetter, coach to many tour players, says . At an older age, hitting the swing for a long-distance becomes quite difficult. The golf swing depends highly on the stability of your golf stance. Some golfers prefer to play more off the front leg, which this closed stance allows the golfer to utilize that front leg and feel some additional stability. Your email address will not be published. It is key that a golfer, whether using an open stance or closed stance remains patient at the start of the downswing and utilizes the speed that can be found in the hands. Overview Of Open Vs Closed are Golf Stance. As it relates to this article, you should not narrow your stance only to help your hip turn, as the narrowing of your stance will have a negative effect on the rest of your mechanics. And when done properly (and routinely) golf warm-up, stretching and flexibility exercises for seniors are a great way to begin any golf game. The standard advice that you will hear thrown around as it relates to stance width is that you should stand with your feet 'shoulder width apart'. And while we all have a lot to learn from the best of the best, you need to remember that youre working with a different set of circumstances. However, your club face should remain somewhat square to the target line. If you have a hard time transferring the weight in your golf swing and getting your complete turn back and through the golf ball, tan the wide stance is not for you. To get better at golf, you need to think about your person strengths and weaknesses and use them to help you improve your scores. World Golf Hall of Fame member and 29-time PGA Tour Champions winner Lee Trevino teaches his secrets to help seniors gain more distance. My balance (a vital key to a good swing) is much better. The open golf stance consists of dropping your front back several inches and up to a foot and having your stance open up. A good stance width for one player may be terrible for another, so you will have to work on your own stance until you find the width that best for your swing. It has been a game changer and one worth checking out. When your hitting with a driver, you are going to need a wider stance than when you are hitting with a wedge. . Use the drill included in the content above to sort out your stance width for each club, as that drill is going to lead you to a stance which is able to serve your swing well from start to finish. That means the best course of action is to go through this drill with all 13 of your full swing clubs until you have a proper stance width for all of them. Follow the steps below and you will gain a good idea of whether or not your stance width needs to be adjusted. Keep your stance open. Hit a few golf shots using your arms only. To discuss tech during a round of golf, set up a time with Anuj here. Finish with the butt end of your golf club pointed to the right of the target line. While the truth is that two of the best ball strikers of all time, Lee Trevino and Sam Snead did not. The best golfers are able to hit a variety of shots and many amateurs set out to one day hit a consistent draw. I 've been told that wider stance is what the pros use because it generates more power. Should I attempt to shallow my swing using the vertical line swing? Continue with Recommended Cookies. In other words, you train your body to find the swing mechanics of a solid draw without all the effort and overthinking. For your starting position, your legs should be shoulder width apart. The first instinct in the swing sometimes is to pull down, causing a steep swing and even sometimes across the ball. The standard golf stance is about shoulder width apart with your feet; narrow stance golfers will have their feet even closer than this. Foot Taps to Step or Cone. Find out what works best for your game. A narrow stance helps golfers square up their clubface and hit more of a draw. Almost always, when you are working on your long game you will want to gravitate towards the wider stance and the narrow stance for the short game. This drill is valuable for players of any age, but its especially helpful for senior golfers. It is really difficult to say that one is better than the other. Your lower body will be behind the swing, and it will never catch up. 3. Hope you are seeing some progress. (Best Time To Buy) . If your stance is an appropriate width, you will be able to make a large turn without having to worry about losing your balance at any point. For the first shot, you are going to use the stance that you have been using for your driver shots up until this point. Senior golfers can make this transition by starting with their short irons and then trying it for hybrids and woods as well. Check out this post! The golf swing is a complicated system of movements, and any change that you make is likely to affect more than just one of those movements. However, if your stance is either too narrow or too wide, your turn will be cut short and you may lose your balance as well. 1. The stance makes it feel like your body and feet are aimed well to the left for a right handed golfer. But this drill helps you discover the power of your arms and tap into that isolation so your body learns what it feels like to emphasize arms in your swing mechanics. This is how you pack your driver shots with more power. Slightly open & wider stance. One debate among great golfers is whether or not a narrow or a wide stance is better for golf. We do not have any golf schools currently in the Indianapolis area, but we are doing some free webinars right now if you would like to learn more about the Vertical Line Swing! Thats the whole thing. b) As we age, one eye can become weaker than the other - experiment by closing each eye in turn to work out which eye works best for you. With feet this wide, you can get a lot more stability in your swing, which usually results in faster swing speeds. The stance width varies with a club because of the centrifugal force. Second, we will provide a How To Hit A High Draw With Irons? You will always be making adjustments to your previous swing technique, so everything that you do will be relative to what you have been doing up to this point. So, in the end, only a stance that is precisely the correct width will do for your swing. The best golfers are able to start the ball to the right or left of the target line and have the ball curve towards the target without the ball over curving past the target. It is also a great shot in windy conditions and most quality golfers can hit a draw on demand. It's just that simple. This helps create a downward blow on the ball that is also steep . The surge in commerce has meant an unexpected boon for truck drivers like Murman Nakashidze, a 48-year-old Georgian who owns a . One of the basic fundamentals of the game that could be included in that quick list above is the stance. On the other end of the spectrum, a stance which is too wide will make it physically impossible for you to achieve a great turn. The Proper Width Of Your Stance. Many amateurs get the transition of the swing all wrong, and they pay for it at impact when the ball comes off the club without very much speed. seniors with 3 letters was last seen on the January 10, 2023. Narrow that stance. Andas I mentionedthe draw is a powerful tool for finding more distance in your later years. - Strike your irons better. You hold back, and you lose yards. Male, age 72+ with multiple has been jock injuries (dislocations, rotator cuff, 1-hip & bilateral-knee replacements, elbow/wrist fractures, cervical/spinal deterioration); 80+ rounds with 11.8 GHIN. This makes it harder to rotate the body so youre forced to focus on arms. To stay steady, you slow your swing. The driver has the longest shaft and is swung with the most power. . This leads to great inconsistencies in the quality of the ball strike because the timing is difficult unless you are spending several hours a day practicing. Fair points. The more narrow the stance a natural body pivot-weight shift is promoted, which is a good thing. Start with enough distance between you and the ball. If you cannot get through the ball and finish properly with your club, the narrow stance may be a good thing to consider trying. What Is The Open Stance? I point back to the quote by Arnold Palmer who told us to swing our swing. Narrow stance for putting. This is where a wide stance can hinder the putting stroke. From here, you are really relying on flexibility in your torso to get the rotation you need in your backswing. If your stance is too narrow, you may tend to hit the ball to the left. 210 37. The best golfers start the ball left or right of the target line and then curve the ball back towards the target.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'golfjourney365_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfjourney365_com-leader-2-0'); You can hit a draw or fade with an open stance or close stance. The dropping of the back leg can help stabilize the golf swing as we lose balance as we get older. Swing speed and stance width are most certainly related. Most amateurs would do better to get their hips more involved in the swing. The arms and hands can fire away without worry about firing the hips, allowing the club to stay on the inside. When the right knee is behind the left (meaning the right knee is farther from the target than the left), you are using a stance that is too wide. The golf stance is such an important feature of the golf game. Yes, you need to have a good stance (as was covered above), but it really all comes down to timing in terms of getting your hips involved in the golf swing. Lee Trevino and Fred Couples aimed way to the right, while Sam Snead and Arnold Palmer aimed well to the right. You've certainly heard all of these before from various golf instructors: Stand really wide so you can be really stable. Pretend that you are standing on the first tee of your favorite course, trying to get the round started successfully with a great drive. Spread the feet too wide at address and you'll limit how far your hips can move comfortably. However, when chipping, it is a great idea to use an open stance. However, the club remains aimed at the target. (Everything To Know), When Do Golf Clubs Go On Sale? Take up your stance when you're happy the putter is lined up correctly. No, swing your swing. Let's say you can't reach the magic 90 mark, but settle for an 80 shoulder turn. Not only do these pre-golf exercises help prevent injury; but they will also give you the endurance needed to play 18-holes each day. Here is a quick explanation: Why? To demonstrate, stand straight up with the outsides of your feet directly aligned with your hip bones. This open place allows the club to work quickly and have the speed in the right spot.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'golfjourney365_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfjourney365_com-leader-1-0'); Looking to gain more Speed and Distance in your swing. Go ahead and test this out, knowing that your weight doesnt have to shift from center to back and then back forward. Rotation still has its place in the senior golf swing. The big picture of the practice that you do on the range should always be kept in mind, and that big picture is the scorecard that you are going to add up at the end of the day. I use my SkyTrak both indoors and outdoors and have quality data to drive my adjustments to my golf swing. This takes a lot of the pressure off your back, literally and figuratively. And then Ill share a bonus drill to help you master the senior golf swing. For some stupid reasons, I can't play with wide stance, reason; ALWAYS hit them fat,always, so I . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The understanding of ball flight laws is vital to hitting a draw or fade and then of course practicing the starting the ball right or left of the target line and curving it back towards the target. From the swing two lines are not parallel our swing point, but can! Article I read that was Ill share a bonus drill to help fade! Being closer together, you are really relying on flexibility in your later years and rolls, which is powerful! 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