rehab acronym fema

RC&D Resource Conservation and Development FGCC Federal Geodetic Coordinating Committee IMO International Maritime Organization EACT Emergency Action and Coordination Team VBIED Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device CDBG Community Development Block Grant 2) Rural Electrification Administration 2) Computer-Based Learning R&D Research and Development SWG Security Working Group APO Accountable Property Officer CME Chief Medical Examiner USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command CPSP Comprehensive Passenger Screening Profile SECDEF Secretary, Department of Defense INEEL Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory ISTL Incident Support Team Leader STARTEX Start of Exercise 2) Chief of Party IAP Incident Action Plan APHL Association of Public Health Laboratories 2) Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research FDL Forensic Documents Laboratory ATMU Advanced Technology Meteorological Unit UHF Ultra High Frequency EJ Environmental Justice OEMP Office of Emergency Medical Preparedness CPX Command Post Exercise RECC Regional Emergency Communications Coordinator RPM 1) Remedial Project Manager FESC Federal Emergency Support Coordinator JRT Joint Response Team MeV Megaelectronvolt NOBLE National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives OHS Office of Homeland Security (now HSC) 3) Collier Area Transit (Florida) WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get TWVP (see TWOV) NGM Nested Grid Model NET No Earlier Than SET Source Evaluation Team EMSSA Emergency Medical Services System Act MCC 1) Major Cities [police] Chiefs AT/FP Antiterrorism & Force Protection 2) Mobile Power Unit MAR Monthly Accomplishments Report 4) Transit Security Program I 1) Individual/Family CW 1) Chemical Warfare/Weapons D/A Departments and Agencies JATS Joint Air Transportation System EOD 1) Entered on Duty NTAC National Threat Assessment Center ULF Ultra Low Frequency CDL 1) Commercial Driver's License SALEMDUG State and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group BCF Billion Cubic Feet 2.Perform a rapid building evaluation. 2) Space Coast Area Transit (Florida) JTF-CS Joint Task Force - Civil Support ITI International to International NDEC National Disaster Education Coalition PM Power Mobility. EDC 1) EROS Data Center LE Law Enforcement CSEPP Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program 4) Reserve Component TBM Temporary Bench Mark NMRS National Medical Response System ANI 1) American Nuclear Insurers 2) Cross-Disaster Database Military, Drug, Alcohol. CACTIS Computer-Assisted CSEPP Training Information System IEMIS Integrated Emergency Management Information System EOV Emergency Operations Vehicle ZONE AO Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; with flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on the sloping terrain); average depths are determined. CORS Continuously Operating Reference Station(s) NCSSA National Cartographic Standards for Spatial Accuracy FTS 1) Federal Telecommunications (or Telephone) System (or Service) 2) Travel Management Center NETAP National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program CBRD Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense BWR Boiling Water Reactor SITREP Situation Report NIMS National Incident Management System NDS 1) National Defense Stockpile FIP Federal Information Processing ELT 1) Emergency Location Transmitter RFI 1) Radio Frequency Interference 2) Deputy Chief of Staff SAFETY ACT Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002 2) Administrative Officer mR milliroentgen/millirem BOR Bureau of Reclamation 2) Personnel Data Card MRE Meal, Ready-to-Eat CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention v volt HPT Health Physics Technician LEL 1) Lower Explosive Limit NCSRM National Communications Systems Regional Manager CWN Call When Needed TRIA Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (affiliated with PSO) ACV Actual Cash Value STANDS4 LLC, 2023. RIA Requiring Immediate Action 2) Protective Security Division AN 1) Above Normal PN 1) Part Number 2) Designated Market Area NIMS/NET National Incident Management System Network TSPSOC Telecommunications Service Priority/System Oversight Committee 2) Federal Preparedness Circular SCS Soil and Conservation Service 4) Mississippi Emergency Management Agency RRRV Regional Rapid Response Vehicle PVO Private Voluntary (or Volunteer) Organization FRA Federal Railroad Administration DCI Director, Central Intelligence 403 ( 5170b) Essential Assistance NAILS National Automated Immigration Lookout System New FEMA report summarizes state of national preparedness The report summarizes the state of national preparedness to help support U.S. emergency managers and whole-community partners in decisionmaking about program priorities, resource allocations and community actions. ISAO Information Sharing and Analysis Organization 4) Regional Office PPA Performance Partnership Agreement 4) Enterprise Architecture 2) Map Service Center 6) Purchase Order RAR Regional Analysis and Recommendation IPELR Independent Power/Motorized Elevating Leg Rest. ALCE Airlift Control Element SOC 1) Statement of Concern ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ASP 1) Active Server Page(s) DMRIS Defense Medical Regulating Information System 4) Alternate Command Post NISAC National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center SOLIC Special Operations-Low Intensity Conflict IAFIS Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System 3) Information Analysis 2) Fire Corps (Citizen Corps Program Partner administered by USFA) OPS 1) Office of Pipeline Safety DCX Direction and Control Exercise 2) Compact Integrated Narcotics Detector Instrument This is a NIMS compliant course that will assist you using the same language as local and national emergency workers. 2) Electric Service Priority 3) Reactor IAM Incident Activity Manager NASULGC National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges NFIRA National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 2) Operation Safe Commerce BIA 1) Board of Immigration Appeals LPOC Last Port of Call USSPACECOM United States Space Command VDU 1) Visual Display Unit We are an independent, nonprofit organization focused on advancing the quality of services you use to meet your needs for the best possible outcomes. 3) Department of Corrections MT 1) Megaton FDSS Federal Drug Seizure System ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers OPCON Operational Control CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection BERT Building Emergency Response Team TTY Teletypewriter ADD Automated Deployment Database M-ZONE High Mudflow Hazard Area CEPAP Cost Estimating for the Public Assistance Program, Expert Panel on MDST Mountain Daylight Savings Time (see MDT) EW Emergency Worker OPAC On-Line Payments and Collection V-Zone Coastal High Hazard Area PAD Protective Action Decision 3) Application Support Center As a Physical Therapist, I have to be careful with the pt medical abbreviation because lowercase pt should mean patient, while upper case PT refers to . HELP Health Emergencies in Large Populations RART Regional Assessment and Response Team APTA American Public Transportation Associations AAPA American Association of Port Authorities ESF 05 Emergency Management 3) Executive Secretariat ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services NAIIA National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters 3) Computer Emergency Recovery Team RESTAT Resources Status JPAC Joint Planning Augmentation Cell (for CBIRF) SRD Self-Reading Dosimeter PCII Protected Critical Infrastructure Information SERL IV Minor event generally requiring no US Government asset support JTOT 1) Joint Tactical Operations Team WG 1) Wage Grade SHSI Sensitive Homeland Security Information USADACS United States Army Defense Artillery Center and School CEM 1) Certified Emergency Manager CENTPAC Central Pacific 2) National Governor's Association IITP Internet Investigations Training Program 2) Initial Contingency Staff FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration NATCA National Air Traffic Controllers Association You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. NCSD National Cyber Security Division SPOD Seaport of Debarkation R Roentgen SENTRI Secure Electronic Network for Traveler's Rapid Inspection (Fast inspection lanes at border; Program which allows low-risk travelers to enter through a dedicated lane at the U.S./Mexico border with minimal or no delay) RSSC Remote Sensing Support Coordinator 2) Increased Cost of Compliance 2) Federal Maritime Commission OREMS Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System KSA Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities RCV Replacement Cost Value 2) FEMA Switched Network 420 ( 5187) Fire Management Assistance EPI Emergency Public Information DDD Direct Distance Dialing CAMEXPAN Central America Mexico Panama EOT Emergency Operations Team COR Contracting Officers Representative PLC Pacific Logistics Center LETPP Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program MCEER Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research TITLE VI Emergency Preparedness AUVSI Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International 3) Operational Planning System HADT Hawaiian Daylight Time (GMT - 9) HOTMAC High Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation NRC 1) National Records Center LPDP Livestock Preservation Donation Program 2) Counternarcotics Office/Officer CHRIS Chemical Hazard Response Information System ECL Emergency Classification Level OAO Office of Aviation Operations 4) District Attorney LAN Local Area Network SAT 1) Satellite ADP Automated Data Processing MCF 1) Mass Care and Feeding AH Alternate Headquarters NSI 1) National Security Information HF 1) High Frequency 3) Resources Planning Act DDP Data-Derived Product IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System RAMT Radiological Assessment Medical Team NECN National Emergency Communications Network STU-IV Secure Telephone Unit - Fourth Generation EIDA Executive Information and Display Area 701 ( 5201) Authority to Prescribe Rules and Accept Gifts DALIS Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System HSPCD Historic Shoreline Positional Change Database NAPI National Arson Prevention Initiative RMSE Root Mean Square Error EAL Emergency Action Level LSS 1) Laboratory Scientific Services SIOC Strategic Information (or Intelligence) and Operations Center SF 1) Special Facility MRF Medium Range Forecast LOS Line-of-Sight 2) Proliferation Security Initiative CPI Consumer Price Index ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ROI Report of Investigation (affiliated with BTS/ICE) ASM Air Support Manager ID 1) Identification credentials 318 ( 5161) Audits and Investigations ACCS Accounting Classification Code Structure CY 1) Calendar Year NFR Notice of Finding and Recommendation SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking 2) METRO Strike Team 2) State Approving Official/Officer (affiliated with EPR) UO2F2 Uranyl Fluoride OPT Operations and Planning Team VoID Voice over Internet Protocol 3) Free Of Charge SES Senior Executive Service SMCC System Management Control Center GFIRST Government Forum of Incident Response and Security Team LMFBR Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor HWR Heavy Water Reactor EFSNB Emergency Food and Shelter National Board LRN Laboratory Response Network NSC 1) National Safety Council ICD 1) Improvised Chemical Device RI 1) Registration Intake 2) Recovery Center JTR Joint Travel Regulations 4) Negotiations Operations Center Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64b4aa809fbc NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health TELNET Teleconference Network 2) Random-Access Memory SWC Severe Weather Center RMT Radiological Monitoring Team . OTSP Office of Transportation Security Policy ERN Emergency Response Network RHA 1) Reduced Hazard Ammunition Web. LTD Limited We are under new manegement and havee a . RAPS Refugees, Asylum and Parole System (DHS program, affiliated with CIS) 2) Consultation Coordination Officer OPSEC Operations/Operational Security ICE 1) Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Bureau of (also called BICE) SBL Straight Bill-of-Lading (also SBOL) ATD Actual Time of Departure LFFE Lowest Finished Flood Elevation SVIS Secure Video System LHD Local Health Department CEXS Cooperative Extension Service CV Combined Verification CRYSYS Cryospheric System Abbreviations IRR Initial Response Resource(s) IDENT Automated Biometric Fingerprint Identification System TEMP 1) Temporary Employee Previous 1-2 years Emergency Room Technician/EMT or equivalent experience preferred Knowledge of medical terminology, abbreviations and hospital procedures preferred Knowledge/Skills/Abilities EMS 1) Emergency Management Specialist CT Counterterrorism NFPE National Fire Protection Equipment NFPA National Fire Protection Association OFM Office of Financial Management Or download the document from the Web: CJTF Commander, Joint Task Force ERS 1) Emergency Relocation Site CTF Combined Task Force 2) Regional Field Office CINC Commander-In-Chief USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation ROWPU Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit NSTAC National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite RAC AC Regional Assistance Committee Advisory Council SLUDGEM Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastric Distress, Emesis and Miosis Aspire Health Partners, Inc. (Aspire), is a non-profit 501 (c)3 behavioral healthcare organization. Rate it: REHAB: REHABilitated. EMAS Emergency Management Assessment System ASL 1) Above Sea Level CRWG Crisis Response Working Group ODS Operation Desert Safeguard 2) Clean Water Act GTA 1) Government Travel Account Acronyms 3) Joint Intelligence Center NMCC National Military Command Center NLS National Language Standards NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effects Level EAM Emergency Action Message RMM River Mile Marker COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative OTAN Organisation du Trait de l'Atlantlique Nord (NATO) EAB 1) Enterprise Architecture Board RPC Regional Preparedness Committee (obsolete) SAREX Search and Rescue Exercise DC 1) Direct Current MUF Materials Unaccounted For ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces JIALO Joint Interagency Liaison Officer FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report DFC Disaster Finance Center 2) Unified Command Team ACC 1) Agency Command Center 3) Army Regulation 3) Telephone Contact Center Wt Weight JMRO Joint Medical Regulating Office 4) County Road FFRDC Federally Funded Research & Development Center NCIC National Crime Information Center OCR 1) Office of Collateral Responsibility NDEA National Defense Emergency Authorization NMSP National Maritime Security Plan Suggest. EU European Union MPU 1) Microprocessor Unit MODEM Modulator/Demodulator 2) Authority to Participate CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing 2) Disaster Communications Equipment DARCOM Development And Readiness Command 2) Emergency Response Plan 2) Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.) VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System 2) Freely Associated States FLEX Federal or FEMA Leadership Exercise 2) Maryland Emergency Management Agency

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