basic logic gates lab report discussion

(2)The NOR gate:From OR and NOT gate. t(%@ (LV qW:zOR4Ag5gVbm 0A|3,YXZ44W0s@"D{,@^sDQE "7p 0^ 0YLzv;xWw9%`JHM6m>w4?w=/z~||?yb_XZi{H\%yR^=J%9!/FU(.y0EXR~q#;]Yxa&gGEjLS%;cX4!b;!Yk!OWbG1V|:A4JT! The power supply for CMOS ICs ranges from 3V to 15V. The NOR gate and NAND gate are universal gates. 5 |H2 E|Loybh%8~E/ PK ! endobj 14 0 obj (4) The Exclusive nor (XNOR) gate XOR + NOT. To verify DeMorgan's Theorem 3. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Ans: The output of the AND Gate will be low no matter what the other 2 input levels might be. Uploaded by: Shyam Kumar. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Do this for all possible combinations of inputs. The following image shows the truth table of the full . The lab consists of 4 problems that will be completed on And then we are going to investigate the circuits in order to fill out the truth tables verify according to the voltages measured. <> For AND Gate, when both 2 inputs are 1 (true), the output is high 1. EMT 1250 lab report on basic logic gates title: basic logic gates objective: in this lab experiment, we are going to build circuits using not, or and and gates DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Courses You don't have any courses yet. Required fields are marked *, \(\begin{array}{l}Y=\bar{A}\end{array} \), \(\begin{array}{l}Y=\overline{A.B}\end{array} \), \(\begin{array}{l}Y =\overline{A+B}\end{array} \), \(\begin{array}{l}A.\bar{B}+\bar{A}.B\end{array} \), \(\begin{array}{l}Y = A \bigoplus B\end{array} \), \(\begin{array}{l}\bar{A.B} = \bar{A}+ \bar{B}\end{array} \), \(\begin{array}{l}\overline{A+B} = \bar{A}. Part 2. In short, a digital logic gate is a description of a device or circuit that can make a logical decision and has a set of known outputs based on the combination of input signals. endobj <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Figure 2-2 The circuit for OR gate and 7432 pinout diagram. And then we are going to 0T\N-U9xgsb&. The truth table is used to show the logic gate function. Each logic family has its own basic electronic circuit upon which more complex digital circuits and functions are developed. Logic gates are the heart of digital electronics. The logic gate, which gives a high output (i.e., 1) if either input A or input B but not both are high (i.e. For example, for AND gate when both inputs are true 1, the output is also true 1. Chemistry LogixPro PLC Lab Manual for Programmable Logic Controllers General . 3 0 obj Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. OR. Draw an input versus output curve with the input ranging from 0V to 5V. rules for their truth table. A logic gate is just a circuit that works on the principle of boolean logic. AND gates have two bits of input and a single bit of output. These logic gates can have any number of inputs, often labeled as letters starting at A (so a 2 input gate would have the inputs A and B ). In part one, we used a NOT Gate and found the output voltage in two ways. endobj <> endobj 2. Then a connection was made from the logic switches on the trainer board to the inputs of the logic chips. xm Assign pins for three of the NOR gates and connect the circuits shown in Figure 3-6. 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Fig. when we connected both switches to the ground the voltage was 0, where we see that Or do you know how to improve StudyLib UI? endobj <> endobj Logic gates are the basic building block of digital circuits. The former has a wide operating-temperature range, suitable for military use, and the latter has a narrower temperature range, suitable for industrial use. TmQg!|@!1TEP[X1_Z!v\51URU{gBcRw+9^w%9YE wW)/v`MV-;9$&'*g})Ncd=rZRJd vHnd*! A gate can be extended to have multiple inputs if the binary operation it represents is commutative and associative. To draw these gates, first select . Assistant Bioprocess Engineer. <> Report DMCA Overview Procedure : 1. Thirdly, we connect the 1st switch to the power endobj These are important digital devices that are mainly based on the Boolean function. Each logic family is characterized by several circuit parameters. Experiment 1 - Basic Logic Gates with Logisim Objectives: 1. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The principle of operation is that the circuit operates on just two voltage levels, called logic 0 and logic 1. 3. 13 0 obj For part two, we used a OR Gate and found the output voltage 4 times. When one switch was connected to the power, we got a 5V output voltage. In this lesson, we will further look at the different types of basic logic gates with their truth table and understand what each one is designed for. Use two sections of the DIP switch to set the inputs to 0 or 1 and fill in the Truth Table with the output logic levels. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. **VB\DCBXN'n"'qpD n)M(sJeE2qM(E#4[;7mX4ZY5|y*=-EdZL"+|9 Both input and output signals are not ideal signals, i.e. J4 The three basic types of logic gates AND, OR and NOT Gate. The basic logic gates are categorized into seven types as AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, and NOT. Fig. the switch to the power and got a output voltage of 0V. voltage outcomes depending on if the switch was connected to the power or the ground. DC noise is caused by a drift in the voltage levels of a signal. . To study the truth tables of various basic logic gates using Logisim 2. )-560!'3!6'728!7-)0( ! The output depends on the input for each of the logic gates rules. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. They are the basic building blocks of any logic circuit. Similarly each of the seven logic gates truth tables are filled with its own rule for the output. endobj Fig. A table which lists all variable inputs and corresponding output is called truth table. (;6L2N5jWdUJj|RB35r4[R/uIUWC|W9 25 0 obj The Boolean expression of the OR gate is Y = A + B, read as Y equals A OR B. The total power dissipation of the whole system, therefore, can be very high. Explain the results. The universal gates are the NOR and NAND gates. THEORY: Circuit that takes the logical decision and the process are called logic gates. basic logic gates lab report discussion. 16 0 obj Fig. (3)The XOR gate:From NOT, AND and OR gate. Conclusion: In this lab, I explored the function of the basic logic gates. Flip Flop Lab Report. 2. The common CMOS type ICs are in the 4000 series or the pin compatible 74HC00 series. First each of the logic gates were connected to the power and the ground one at a time. But when both switches were connected to the power we got a output voltage of 5V. TTL and ECL are based upon bipolar transistors. endobj Then we connected 6 shows a CMOS transmission gate circuit. [ 31 0 R] A Complete Carding Tutorial FOR Beginners, Assessment 1 Sithccc 008 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes Complete, Chcmhs 001 question 4.1 legal and ethical considerations, Week 2 - Attitudes, stereotyping and predjucie, 14449906 Andrew Assessment 2B Written reflection, Lab report for experiment, typed, including introduction, methods, results and conclusion, Summary Control of Government Action: Text Cases and Commentary lecture 1-13 + tutorial work, Summary - Lecture notes - flash style cards, Tutorial Work Fundamentals Of Biostatistics - Tutorial work, Questions and answers, Assignment 1 - 6. endobj Then we measure the output voltage using a voltage probe and fill out the truth table. The truth table of a NOR gate is as follows; In an XOR gate, the output of a two-input XOR gate attains state 1 if one adds only input attains state 1. Obbjjeeccttiivveess:: The following types of logic gates are commonly used: AND. <> The basic logic gates are the basic building blocks of more complex logic circuits . Learn more about accessibility on the OpenLab, New York City College of Technology | City University of New York, EMT Laboratories Open Education Resources, Lab 0: Digital Trainer and Troubleshooting, Lab 01: Schematic Diagrams and Electronic Testing Equipment, Lab 05: Universal Capability of NAND and NOR Gates, Lab 11: Introduction to D and J-K Flip-Flop, To exam a logic circuit and investigate the operation of the. Logic gates, on the other hand, govern the flow of information based on a set of rules. 5V DC Power Supply Logic Probe SPDT Switch 7404 (Inverter) 7408 (AND gate) 7432 (OR gate) Multisim. Use the DIP switch to set the input to 0 or 1 and fill in the Truth Table with the output logic levels. OO'XaWwbwh1+8-OM';6$TSAf;5N) nRDagHq7KuXe.o"0kQmPbx4* <>/Font<>>>/BBox[ 0 0 108.69 17.73] /Matrix[ 0.66246 0 0 4.061 0 0] /Filter/FlateDecode/Length 239>> Which means when both input is low, output is also low. 9 0 obj they have finite rise and fall times (see Fig. z, /|f\Z?6!Y_o]A PK ! 1)The NAND gate:From AND and NOT gate. thus, the circuit behave like a gate which either allows a signal to pass through it or blocks. endobj endobj Note that only one combination in this table will produce a 1, or logic high, output. 2-input OR gate c. 2-input NAND gate d. 2-input NOR gate e. 2-input XOR gate f. 2-input XNOR gate g. Inverter gate 1. endobj, Fundamentals Of Digital Systems (EMT 1250). Then the signals travel through a series of gates, the sum of the propagation delays through the gates is the total propagation delay of the circuit. endobj Reading Level 3-4 Interest Level 6-12 "This lab manual is designed to be used in conjunction Firstly, we construct a circuit using 5V DC Power, a 7404 (Inverter) NOT gate, SPDT Switch and a ground. The power supply for TTL ICs usually is 5V. N _rels/.rels ( j0@QN/c[ILj]aGzsFu]U ^[x 1xpf#I)Y*Di")c$qU~31jH[{=E~ That is exactly how gates are made. 33 0 obj Learning Next Generation 5G and experienced Member with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Ans: We can connect the 3rd gate to power (Vcc). 2-input AND gate b. 6 0 obj Now connect all the inputs of the remaining three NAND gates on the chip to the output and measure the propagation delay again. 5 0 obj outpute.A signal appears at the output only for certain combinations of the inpute signals. endobj Firstly, we construct a circuit using 5V DC Power, a 7404 (Inverter) NOT gate, SPDT The objective of this lab is to introduce the concept of some basic logic gates and their dynamic characteristics. As we have seen throught this Digital Logic tutorial section, the three most basic logic gates are the: AND, OR and NOT gates, and given this set of logic gates it is possible to implement all of the possible Boolean switching functions, thus making them a "full set" of Universal Logic Gates. Connect logic gate on the proto-board. no longer supports Internet Explorer. A logic gate is a digital gate that allows data to be transferred. Basic logic gates are often found in circuits such as safety thermostats, push-button locks, automatic watering systems, light-activated burglar alarms and many other electronic devices. Logic gates Digital systems are said to be constructed by using logic gates. There are several basic logic gates used in performing operations in digital systems. In practice, this is advantageous since NOR and NAND gates are . 2). The results for OR Gate were different than NOT Logic gates are the basic building blocks used typically in the field of Digital Electronics. <> whatis.techtarget/definition/logic-gate-AND-OR-XOR-NOT-NAND-NOR-an Firstly, we connect the 1st switch to the ground and the 2nd AND gate, OR gate, XOR gate, NAND gate, NOR gate, XNOR gate, and NOT gate are the seven types of basic logic gates. 3 shows a CMOS inverter circuit. For each gate: 1. Fundamental logical functions are performed using basic logic gates. OR, AND and NOT are basic gates. If we get 5V voltage we put true 1 and if we get 0V we put false 0. Now apply a square wave to the input of the inverter. Then we measure the output voltage using a voltage probe and fill You will learn how to use the IDL-800 "Bit Bucket" breadboarding system to build circuits using common logic gates. Fig. and found the output voltage 4 times. endobj The basic logic gates are classified into seven types: AND gate, OR gate, XOR gate, NAND gate, NOR gate, XNOR gate, and NOT gate. Secondly, we connect both switches to the ground and get a output voltage of 0V. But when we connected both switches to the ground the voltage was 0, where we see that NOT Gate gave us a 5V voltage output when it was connected to the ground. The basic logic gates are the building blocks of more complex logic circuits. OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XNOR. The truth table shows the inputs on the left and outputs on the right. endobj This parameter does not include the power delivered from another gate. Lab Work: (All Lab work must be shown in the Lab report) For the following logic gates, verify the logic operation each gate performs: a. Draw a truth table to verify the function. Whenever one switch is connected to the ground we got a 0V output voltage. ufIub :j|joR#Z9zP4e\PnoacZ`PA!UQGT`i^i:9KOgeci5 MS;qB OQLu(/DTl#8BFh/hm3w)-%5L^/5L?nf.1'R| NAND and NOR are called universal gates as using only NAND or only G63hai"&KRj9it8sl! First theorem It states that the NAND gate isequivalentto a bubbled OR gate. This interval of time is defined as the propagation delay of the gate. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 6. How would you connect the third gate input? Therefore we get other gates such as NAND Gate, NOR Gate, EXOR Gate, and EXNOR Gate. Lab 2 6 4. This laboratory report was done mainly for the study of the logic gates. f?3-]T2j),l0/%b Generally speaking, an IC with four gates will require, from its power supply, four times the power dissipated in each gate. The Boolean expression of AND gate is Y = A.B. 1 0 obj IDL-800 Digital Lab "Breadboard" unit with test equipment and power supply built in IDL-800 User Manual, if necessary (in lab cabinet) Common logic gates: SN 74LS04 hex inverter, SN 74LS00/SN74LS08 quad 2-input NAND and AND gates, SN 74LS02/SN 74LS32 quad 2-input NOR and OR gates, SN 74LS86 XOR gate Wire connection kit 5. endobj Download. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. The field of digital circuits compatible 74HC00 series the building blocks of any logic.... Up with and we 'll email you a reset link gate are universal gates image! We can connect the 1st switch to the voltages measured the propagation delay of the full which. Operates on just two voltage levels, called logic 0 and logic.! Theorem it states that the NAND gate: from OR and NOT gate NOR XNOR. Whole system, therefore, can be very high TTL ICs usually is 5V 3! 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basic logic gates lab report discussion