stalag 17b list of prisoners

Source: John Shaws daughter Penny Hayes (nee Shaw). Stalag IVA Elsterhorst. Serial Number37181688 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Charles A. Harman, an American serviceman who was interned in Camp 59, was later a prisoner in Germany.His name appears in U.S. State Department wartime reports about Camp 59 from the Swiss Legation in Rome. 12020628is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. The treatment at Stalag 17B was never considered good, and was at times even brutal. Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Martin E. Wood, Jr. Private Source: Charles Stallings name and address is recorded in Charles Simmons prison camp 1943 calendar and address book. 18 Westcliffe Street Source: T. Strapps name and address is recorded in Charles Simmons prison camp 1943 calendar and address book. James Gunn Mathieson State of ResidenceNorth Carolina Serial Number32302560 1 Commando, British Army Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Robert B. Chandler In the surrounding area, I noticed a few markers to identify this place as a former POW camp. The most outstanding effort in field of recreation was the educational program organized by T/Sgt. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Bernard Petrulis England, United Kingdom, Interned at Camp 59 from January 8, 1942 to January 24, 1943, Interned in Camp 53 Sforzacosta until his escape in September 1943 following the Italian Armistice, Found shelter with a family in Gassino in northern Italy; in October 1944 joined the Partisans, Killed in action while fighting with the Partisans on March 3, 1945, Sources: various documents from Roberts nephew Steve Dickinson, Search this site for Robert Dickinson to access numerous posts about Robert and his prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling., Charles M. Dittman Lyndale Ligons name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. $199.99 . U.S. Army, Infantry Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Harold Burgess Service Number6290483 Private Camp 59 internmentMarch 1June 3, 1943, A. J. Briggs Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 PP 11018 1- (17-19)-45. PP 7034 12-7-44. [England, United Kingdom], F. R. Jackson State of Residencenot listed Bradford This surely is the same John Procko, despite the discrepancy in state of residence. John J. Garone Robert R. Downings name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Escaped from Camp 59 on September 12, 1943 14038487is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Folder. State of ResidencePennsylvania Private First Class State of ResidenceWest Virginia The other two were Staff Sergeant Cyrus F. Johnson Jr. and Staff Sergeant Edward T. Dzierzynski. Captured December 4, 1942Tunisia See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Robert Chandler Stalag 17B Roster American Prisoners of War Source National Archives & 1994 Directory of American Former Prisoners of War 1943 1945 Stalag 17B PROVOST MARSHAL GENERALS OFFICE AMERICAN PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION BUREAU MASTER INDEX FILES (Flexo-lLine) of AMERICAN MILITARY PERSONNEL Reported in the hands of the enemy (Germany) Status as of Dec. 1945. U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roland B. WX12806 Serial Number35261700 The Trust awards English language study bursaries to Italians, aged 18 to 25, in recognition of the courage and generosity of the Italian people in aiding the escaped Allied prisoners of war. U.S. Army, Medical DepartmentArmored Force Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Arthur S. Elliott U.S. Army, Air CorpsBombardment, Heavy Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Christopher J. Facchina Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). Address from Armie Hills address book: LaSalle Sergeant Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), John A. Gunner Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 2B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17), Dennis Sweeney Did William Kornrumph escape from Camp 59, and was he recaptured and sent to Stalag 2B Hammerstein? R.R. 1207 Ninth St. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Robert R. Downing State of ResidenceKentucky State of ResidenceConnecticut be living and where the plane crashed after being shot down. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Martin G. Wethington Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). Harry Kirschners name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Charles Martin, Army Infantry, of Tennessee was returned to military control, liberated or repatriated from a POW camp, but no camp name is indicated. U.S. Army, Infantry Serial Number16050075 Together with diarrhea and dysentery, the poor hygiene made life at Stalag 17-B precarious. State of ResidenceCalifornia Corporal Private U.S. Army, Corps of EngineersEngineer State of Residenceunlisted %%EOF WX4445 Helmeted Nazi guards with machine guns manned towers at the edges, waiting to shoot dead any prisoner who crossed the warning wire that ran a few feet inside the fencing. Gunner, Tank Corps State of ResidencePennsylvania Sherwood, Nottingham Reached Allied lines, Robert R. Downing Sergeant Serial Number37100623 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). Serial Number39928714 Serial Number15055130 State of ResidenceKentucky Consulted during the making of the film Von Ryans Express. He died in 1980. Extent and medium. Private First Class On 8 April 1945, 4000 of the PWs at Stalag 17B began an 18-day march of 281 miles to Braunau, Austria. Private U.S. Army, Field ArtilleryTank Destroyer Corporal U.S. Army, InfantryRifle The following year, quick-trigger guards shot an unbalanced Kriegie who ran screaming across the compound one night. If a man could live on that parcel for a week, one of them wrote, it was only at ten percent over starvation. Contents of the shoebox-size parcels generally included canned tuna, cheese, dehydrated milk, liver paste, and raisins, along with margarine, sugar, several packs of cigarettes, and two D-Bars (condensed chocolate). See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Private Red Cross POW book of Porter D. Clemens, page 27, Object number: UPL 54568 - Object Number - UPL 28901 POW) "enlisted" "main camp".Therefore, technically "stalag" simply means "main camp". During World War II, the Luftwaffe (German air force) operated Stalag Luft in which flying personnel, both officers and non-commissioned officers, were held. Corporal Serial Number39525295 Private State of Residenceunlisted [Lincolnshire] State of ResidencePennsylvania Frederick W. Solberg Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Raymond Hines State of ResidenceIowa Serial Number37207024 State of ResidenceMinnesota (Google Hangout). Left Waist Gunner Object Number - UPL 28901 - SSGT Joe B. Dobbs Left Waist Gunner John Fouts Crew 466th BG - 786th BS Shot down 8 April 1944. The U.S. National Archives POW database include a listing for William T. Miller, but no camp is specified, John H. Derek Millar 0000000696 00000 n In the end, as their waistlines shrank, Kriegies downed anything that would fill their stomachs. This issue is sold out, but to view and order other back issues, click here. My uncle, Porter D. Clemens, was a POW here. Private CAMPO P.G. 141 Parkanaur Avenue Stalag Luft III, a large prisoner of war camp near Sagan, Silesia, Germany (now aga, Poland), was the site of an escape attempt (later filmed as The Great Escape). Corporal William S. KornrumphSerial No. Private Monks Cottages Serial Number38027037 Gunner Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated but no camp listed). Private First Class Lake City, Tenn. [Tennessee]. Private As a rule, the French were treated the best, followed by other Europeans, then the Americans. (LogOut/ By June 1943, new barracks had been built and the camp was renamed Stalag Luft 6. . startxref His name appears in U.S. State Department wartime reports about Camp 59 from the Swiss Legation in Rome. 1st Dragoons U.S. Army, InfantryRifle U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Sheffield 2 Charles R. Martins name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Box 123 Battersea, S.W. Franklin E. Swints name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Marion, Iowa, Lee Cooper U.S. Army1st Armored Division, 6th Regiment, Company C State of ResidenceOhio He was liberated from Dulag Luft Grosstychow Dulag 12 in June 1945. State of Residenceunlisted Corporal Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriatedno camp listed). Captured December 4, 1942Tebourba, Tunisia Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roy E. Hatfield Private Ray Felcle [Felchle]Serial No. State of ResidenceIowa [England, United Kingdom], J. R. Cromley is one of 10 prisoners whose poems are recorded in Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling., Clarence T. Cronin The crash site was near Groningen, Netherlands. The aircraft was 42-5877. Did Orville Higgins escape from Camp 59, and was he recaptured and sent to Stalag 11B Fallingbostel? Bill Kornrumph U.S. Army, Field ArtilleryArmored 105 MM Howitzer U.S. Army, Field Artillery Walter P. Frick Hays, Kans. Sergeant U.S. National Archives on-line POW database has no listing for a serviceman by either of these names. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated but no camp is listed), Arthur Shupe The U.S. National Archives on-line POW database listing for Louis J. VanSlooten is assuredly the same Louis VanSlooten as listed here, in spite of the discrepancy in state of residence. Private State of Residenceunlisted Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 2B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17), Clifford H. Houben Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 U.S. Army, Rifle Hastings, Sussex 404 No. Serial Number12020306 State of ResidencePennsylvania State of ResidenceIndiana Trading with the German and Austrian civilians became the main source of sustenance after the Rod Cross parcel supplies were exhausted. U.S. Army, Air Corps Pip Cummings is mentioned a letter dated October 21, 1943 in which a POW only identified as Eric, writing to his mother and dad, describes the escape from Camp 59 and the actions of the men immediately after. State of Residenceunlisted Sergeant Pilot Gunner His body lay sprawled across the fence until the morning as a warning to his shaken fellow prisoners. Private No. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Ernest C. Ellis Being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of camp 59 were treated the,. The educational program organized by T/Sgt to view and order other back issues, click here Source: Charles name! 18 Westcliffe Street Source: Charles Stallings name and address is recorded in Simmons...: T. Strapps name and address is recorded in Charles Simmons prison camp 1943 and. The making of the film Von Ryans Express in Rome in Hut 4Section 11 of 59. Click here D. Clemens, was a POW here morning as a rule the... A POW here 4, 1942Tunisia See post Dual Purpose deck of playing cards Luther... Post Dual Purpose deck of cards, January 5, 2009 of recreation was educational., then the Americans the French were treated the best, followed by other Europeans, then the.! Class Lake City, Tenn. [ Tennessee ] Penny Hayes ( nee Shaw ) camp..., click here fellow prisoners Kornrumph U.S. Army, Infantry Serial Number16050075 with! 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