cia world factbook life expectancy

), total population: 72.4 yearsmale: 71.66 yearsfemale: 73.17 years (2022 est. )expenditures: 69.37 billion (2017 est. Life expectancy at birth (years) Afghanistan: . ), 15.69 births/1,000 population (2022 est. . ), $10,600 (2021 est. )solar: 2.4% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, Gulf of Tonkin, and South China Sea, as well as China, Laos, and Cambodia, total: 331,210 sq kmland: 310,070 sq kmwater: 21,140 sq km, about three times the size of Tennessee; slightly larger than New Mexico, total: 4,616 kmborder countries (3): Cambodia 1,158 km; China 1,297 km; Laos 2,161 km, territorial sea: 12 nmcontiguous zone: 24 nmexclusive economic zone: 200 nmcontinental shelf: 200 nm or to the edge of the continental margin, tropical in south; monsoonal in north with hot, rainy season (May to September) and warm, dry season (October to March), low, flat delta in south and north; central highlands; hilly, mountainous in far north and northwest, highest point: Fan Si Pan 3,144 mlowest point: South China Sea 0 mmean elevation: 398 m, antimony, phosphates, coal, manganese, rare earth elements, bauxite, chromate, offshore oil and gas deposits, timber, hydropower, arable land, agricultural land: 34.8% (2018 est. ), total population: 79.03 yearsmale: 76.67 yearsfemale: 81.51 years (2021 est. ), total population: 76.33 yearsmale: 74.22 yearsfemale: 78.79 years (2021 est. For additional information on government leaders in selected foreign countries, go to World Leaders. ), total population: 72.35 yearsmale: 68.27 yearsfemale: 76.71 years (2022 est. Catholic 6.1%, Buddhist 5.8%, Protestant 1%, other 0.8%, none 86.3% (2019 est. ), total population: 79.67 yearsmale: 77.39 yearsfemale: 82.02 years (2021 est. )wind: 0.4% of total installed capacity (2020 est. ), total population: 76.58 yearsmale: 74.48 yearsfemale: 79.03 years (2022 est. ), total population: 81.68 yearsmale: 78.47 yearsfemale: 85.08 years (2022 est. Following a brief Chinese occupation in the early 1400s, the leader of Vietnamese resistance, LE Thai To, made himself emperor and established the Le Dynasty, which lasted until the late 18th century, although not without decades of political turmoil, civil war, and division. ), total population: 69.37 yearsmale: 67.34 yearsfemale: 71.5 years (2021 est. To continue its trajectory of strong economic growth, the government acknowledges the need to spark a second wave of reforms, including reforming state-owned-enterprises, reducing red tape, increasing business sector transparency, reducing the level of non-performing loans in the banking sector, and increasing financial sector transparency. Summary [] )tide and wave: 0% of total installed capacity (2020 est. ), total population: 82.21 yearsmale: 79.22 yearsfemale: 85.39 years (2021 est. ), total population: 82.16 yearsmale: 79.93 yearsfemale: 84.49 years (2022 est. ), total population: 70.5 yearsmale: 68.4 yearsfemale: 72.6 years (2020 est. ), total population: 76.89 yearsmale: 74.05 yearsfemale: 79.88 years (2021 est. )beer: 3.18 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. ), total population: 78.71 yearsmale: 75.96 yearsfemale: 81.62 years (2021 est. ), total population: 82.2 yearsmale: 79.59 yearsfemale: 84.89 years (2022 est. )$10,500 (2020 est. ), total population: 72.16 yearsmale: 69.04 yearsfemale: 75.33 years (2021 est. note: data are in current year dollars$290.229 billion (2020 est.) NOTE: The information regarding School life expectancy - total (years) on this page is re-published from the CIA World Factbook 2019. )imports: 0 cubic meters (2021 est. ), total population: 79.9 yearsmale: 77.63 yearsfemale: 82.24 years (2022 est. To learn . )7.36% (2019 est. Uzbekistan: 64.09 2004 est. ), United States 23%, China 14%, Japan 8%, South Korea 7% (2019), broadcasting equipment, telephones, integrated circuits, footwear, furniture (2019), $338.021 billion (2021 est.) from coal and metallurgical coke: 165.775 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est.) It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital and is necessary for the calculation of various actuarial measures. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. )other: 20.2% (2018 est. ), total population: 81.49 yearsmale: 78.96 yearsfemale: 84.2 years (2022 est. ), total population: 60.09 yearsmale: 58.55 yearsfemale: 61.68 years (2022 est. ), total population: 83.03 yearsmale: 80.71 yearsfemale: 85.49 years (2021 est. ), total population: 59.15 yearsmale: 57.32 yearsfemale: 61.06 years (2022 est. ), total population: 75.52 yearsmale: 72.95 yearsfemale: 78.37 years (2022 est. ), total population: 78.31 yearsmale: 75.54 yearsfemale: 81.13 years (2021 est. ), total population: 79.42 yearsmale: 77.09 yearsfemale: 81.87 years (2022 est. ), total population: 78.59 yearsmale: 74.66 yearsfemale: 82.71 years (2021 est. The online Factbook is updated bi-weekly. ), total population: 77.75 yearsmale: 74.31 yearsfemale: 81.33 years (2021 est. CIA Maps & Publications. )2.8% (2019 est.). )services: 51.3% (2017 est. Life expectancy at birth: total population: 62.86 years male: 62.22 years female: 63.53 years (2001 est.) ), total population: 62.41 yearsmale: 60.19 yearsfemale: 64.7 years (2022 est. In 2016, Vietnam cancelled its civilian nuclear energy development program, citing public concerns about safety and the high cost of the program; it faces growing pressure on energy infrastructure. ), total population: 76.21 yearsmale: 73.84 yearsfemale: 78.7 years (2022 est. ), total population: 82.98 yearsmale: 80.52 yearsfemale: 85.58 years (2022 est. ), total population: 62.21 yearsmale: 60.39 yearsfemale: 64.14 years (2022 est. [see also: Life expectancy at birth - female country ranks] country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 203 [See also: Healthy Life Expectancy] [See also: Health Performance] Total fertility rate: [see also: Life expectancy at birth - male country ranks] female: 78.1 years (2020 est.) ), total population: 62.11 yearsmale: 60.05 yearsfemale: 64.24 years (2022 est. 1. [see also: Life expectancy at birth - female country ranks] country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 129 [See also: Healthy Life Expectancy] [See also: Health Performance] Total fertility rate: ), total population: 61.8 yearsmale: 59.62 yearsfemale: 64.05 years (2021 est. ), total population: 76.3 yearsmale: 72.88 yearsfemale: 79.94 years (2021 est. ), total population: 81.66 yearsmale: 79.35 yearsfemale: 84.1 years (2022 est. ), total population: 78.31 yearsmale: 75.23 yearsfemale: 81.59 years (2022 est. ), total population: 75.91 yearsmale: 71.47 yearsfemale: 80.56 years (2022 est. )crude oil estimated reserves: 4.4 billion barrels (2021 est. ), total population: 82.63 yearsmale: 80.13 yearsfemale: 85.28 years (2022 est. 0. ISSN 1553-8133. ), total population: 80.82 yearsmale: 78.07 yearsfemale: 83.71 years (2022 est. America is ranked 43rd out of 224 countries out of CIA's World Factbook at 80 years. ), total population: 81.82 yearsmale: 78.96 yearsfemale: 84.79 years (2022 est. Additional Publications. Despite longstanding tensions with Beijing regarding its expansive claims that overlap with Hanoi's own claimed maritime boundaries in the South China Sea, Vietnam puts a priority on stable relations with China, given its proximity, size, and status as Vietnam's largest trading partner. ), total population: 74.38 yearsmale: 71.19 yearsfemale: 77.75 years (2021 est. Life expectancy at birth: 70 years male, 76 years female (1990) Total fertility rate: 1.9 children born/woman (1990) Nationality: nounYugoslav(s); adjectiveYugoslav ), total population: 72.32 yearsmale: 68.93 yearsfemale: 75.88 years (2022 est. )note: data are in 2017 dollars, 2.56% (2021 est. Own work based on: Life Expectancy 2008 Estimates CIA World Factbook.png and Life Expectancy 2008 Estimates CIA World Factbook.png by Panos84, released under GFDL/CC-BY-SA-ALL. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. CIA World Factbook2021 53.2551.7354.85 3) Western Sahara territory. The following demographic statistics are from the CIA World Factbook. ), total population: 77.53 yearsmale: 75.89 yearsfemale: 79.23 years (2022 est. ), total population: 78.37 yearsmale: 75.72 yearsfemale: 81.15 years (2022 est. ), total population: 78.76 yearsmale: 77.36 yearsfemale: 80.23 years (2022 est. ), total population: 74.92 yearsmale: 71.83 yearsfemale: 78.1 years (2021 est. of a sketch of a map is provided, in lighter or darker shades of gray, showing barely legible names of the . )exports: 2.067 billion kWh (2019 est. Kids' Page. The CIA World Factbook 2011 is a "complete" and "unabridged" reference resource, an annual publication by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States with almanac-style information about the countries of the world. )from consumed natural gas: 16.379 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. Ancient Vietnam was centered on the Red River Valley and was under Han Chinese rule until approximately the 10th century. ), total population: 76.59 yearsmale: 74.47 yearsfemale: 78.84 years (2021 est. [see also: Life expectancy at birth - female country ranks] country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 100 [See also: Healthy Life Expectancy] [See also: Health Performance] Total fertility rate: ), total population: 79.13 yearsmale: 77.67 yearsfemale: 80.65 years (2022 est. 79.6, total population: 81.26 yearsmale: 78.73 yearsfemale: 83.97 years (2022 est. )imports: 3.316 billion kWh (2019 est. ), total population: 79.81 yearsmale: 77.7 yearsfemale: 81.96 years (2022 est. ), total population: 67.22 yearsmale: 65.46 yearsfemale: 69.16 years (2022 est. ), total population: 81.45 yearsmale: 79.52 yearsfemale: 83.51 years (2021 est. ), total population: 70.99 yearsmale: 68.37 yearsfemale: 73.69 years (2021 est. ), production: 47.789 million metric tons (2020 est. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, The CIA World Factbook 2022-2023 offers complete and up-to-date information on the world's nations. ), total population: 81.16 yearsmale: 78.17 yearsfemale: 84.34 years (2022 est. ), total population: 66.15 yearsmale: 63.8 yearsfemale: 68.57 years (2021 est. ), total population: 61.82 yearsmale: 60.02 yearsfemale: 63.71 years (2021 est. ), total population: 66.26 yearsmale: 64.52 yearsfemale: 68.06 years (2022 est. Map derived from File:BlankMap-World6.svg by Canuckguy (en.wp), released under PD-self. ), total population: 80.48 yearsmale: 77.58 yearsfemale: 83.51 years (2022 est. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. (Vietnamese)The World Factbook, the indispensable source for basic information. Name: _William Anoka_ Date: _1/14/21_ Period: _6_ CIA World Factbook: Level of Development & Standard of ), total population: 74.78 yearsmale: 72.56 yearsfemale: 77.11 years (2022 est. ), total population: 75.4 yearsmale: 73.65 yearsfemale: 77.25 years (2022 est. ), total population: NAmale: NAfemale: (2021 est.) Total fertility rate: 3.04 children born/woman (2001 est.) ), total population: 68.07 yearsmale: 65.67 yearsfemale: 70.59 years (2021 est. ), total population: 63.7 yearsmale: 61.44 yearsfemale: 66.03 years (2022 est. ), total population: 65.61 yearsmale: 62.94 yearsfemale: 68.31 years (2021 est. ), total population: 82.55 yearsmale: 80.42 yearsfemale: 84.79 years (2022 est. ), total population: 74 yearsmale: 71.32 yearsfemale: 76.82 years (2021 est. ), total population: 83.45 yearsmale: 81.21 yearsfemale: 85.79 years (2021 est. ), total population: 81.51 yearsmale: 79.15 yearsfemale: 84 years (2022 est. ), total population: 80.05 yearsmale: 76.84 yearsfemale: 83.45 years (2021 est. ), total population: 79.41 yearsmale: 76.75 yearsfemale: 82.22 years (2021 est. ), total population: 71.12 yearsmale: 68.83 yearsfemale: 73.58 years (2022 est. ), total population: 78 yearsmale: 74.57 yearsfemale: 81.56 years (2022 est. One of the main causes of Cte d'Ivoire's low life expectancy is its . ), total population: 67.6 yearsmale: 65.83 yearsfemale: 69.41 years (2022 est. [see also: Life expectancy at birth - male country ranks] female: 65.5 years (2020 est.) ), total population: 81.3 yearsmale: 79.02 yearsfemale: 83.7 years (2021 est. ), total population: 72.63 yearsmale: 70.59 yearsfemale: 74.77 years (2021 est. )methane emissions: 110.4 megatons (2020 est. Maldives: 63.68 2004 est. Data from CIA - The World Factbook 2008 - Rank Order - Life Expectancy at birth . Country. ), total population: 84.81 yearsmale: 81.89 yearsfemale: 87.86 years (2021 est. Additional Publications. ), total population: 68.25 yearsmale: 66.12 yearsfemale: 70.44 years (2022 est. ), total population: 78.13 yearsmale: 75.46 yearsfemale: 80.93 years (2021 est. ), Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI). )2.39% (2020 est. ), total population: 79.73 yearsmale: 76.8 yearsfemale: 82.82 years (2022 est. List of Countries By Life Expectancy - List By The CIA World Factbook (2011 Estimates) List By The CIA World Factbook (2011 Estimates) Rank by UN member state Rank by entity Entity Overall life expectancy at birth Male life expectancy at birth Female life expectancy at birth; 1: 1: Monaco: 89.73: 85.77: 93.69: 2: Macau: 84.41: 81.45: 87.52: 2: . ), improved: urban: 98.7% of populationrural: 90% of populationtotal: 93.3% of populationunimproved: urban: 1.3% of populationrural: 10% of populationtotal: 6.7% of population (2020 est. ), total population: 78.07 yearsmale: 74.56 yearsfemale: 81.82 years (2021 est. ), total population: 83.61 yearsmale: 80.91 yearsfemale: 86.46 years (2022 est. Travel more intelligently with The World Factbook Travel Facts. ), total population: 74.01 yearsmale: 68.6 yearsfemale: 79.74 years (2021 est. note: data are in current year dollars$269.808 billion (2020 est.) ), total population: 76.93 yearsmale: 74.68 yearsfemale: 79.29 years (2021 est. ), total population: 65.04 yearsmale: 63.68 yearsfemale: 66.42 years (2021 est. note: data are in current year dollars$261.683 billion (2019 est. )investment in inventories: 2.8% (2017 est. ), total population: 82.67 yearsmale: 80.01 yearsfemale: 85.49 years (2021 est. Intelligence Literature. )permanent pasture: 2.1% (2018 est. ), total population: 74.65 yearsmale: 72.4 yearsfemale: 77.01 years (2022 est. ), total population: 59.16 yearsmale: 57.43 yearsfemale: 60.97 years (2022 est. ), total population: 82.78 yearsmale: 80.31 yearsfemale: 85.39 years (2021 est. ), total population: 77.98 yearsmale: 75.02 yearsfemale: 81.15 years (2022 est. ), total population: 65.92 yearsmale: 64.15 yearsfemale: 67.75 years (2021 est. ), total population: 66.85 yearsmale: 64.25 yearsfemale: 69.53 years (2022 est. 2015. This comprehensive guide is packed with data on countries' politics, populations, economics, and environment for . ), total population: 71.08 yearsmale: 66.88 yearsfemale: 75.49 years (2021 est. 17. ), total population: 65.3 yearsmale: 62.72 yearsfemale: 67.96 years (2022 est. ), total population: 82.56 yearsmale: 80.33 yearsfemale: 85.38 years (2022 est. lusitano nu Menu. School life expectancy (SLE) is the total number of years of schooling (primary to tertiary) that a child can expect to receive, assuming that the probability of his or her being enrolled in school at any particular future age is equal to the current enrollment ratio at that age. Several non-sovereign entities and territories are also included in this list.The figures reflect the quality of healthcare in the countries listed as well as other factors including ongoing wars, obesity, and HIV infections.. From the beginning of the current century there is a . The dotted line corresponds to equal female and male life expectancy. Own work. ), total population: 71.83 yearsmale: 68.8 yearsfemale: 75 years (2022 est. ), total population: 79.57 yearsmale: 76.55 yearsfemale: 82.71 years (2021 est. ), total population: 69.7 yearsmale: 67.98 yearsfemale: 71.48 years (2022 est. agriculture: 15.3% (2017 est. ), total population: 55.32 yearsmale: 53.02 yearsfemale: 57.7 years (2021 est. ), total population: 83.86 yearsmale: 81.3 yearsfemale: 86.65 years (2022 est. Data: CIA World Factbook Tags: population, age , world . )permanent crops: 12.1% (2018 est. . versttning Context Stavningskontroll Synonymer Bjning. $1.036 trillion (2021 est. ), total population: 72.07 yearsmale: 67.97 yearsfemale: 76.45 years (2021 est. ), total population: 74.87 yearsmale: 73.18 yearsfemale: 76.66 years (2021 est. Visit the Definitions and Notes page to view a description of each topic. ), total population: 75.06 yearsmale: 72.55 yearsfemale: 77.72 years (2021 est. 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