economic support fund state department

These rule-of-law programs help the Government of Iraq to establish an effective and fair criminal justice system to which Iraqi citizens will turn to resolve disputes, rather than to militias and other alternative forms of justice. The program is also developing a network of employment service centers to research market demand and help place unemployed Iraqis in long-term jobs. Strategic economic development is important to communities across North Dakota. 0000004955 00000 n Facilitated coordination and information-sharing among other missions related to the Provincial Powers Law. In collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and several U.S. universities, launched an Engineering Enhancement Program, which offers fellowships and mentoring for Iraqi engineers to improve their technical skill sets. U.S. Government Implementing Agency: Department of State and USAID. During January and February, approximately 2,500 Iraqi government civil servants across 17 Iraqi provinces were trained in public administration skills, project management, human resource management, budget and information management, leadership and communication, strategic planning, and procurement. A.2. Marshals Service (USMS) and INL have identified 27 courthouses in Iraq desperately needing security upgrades. Through ICRC, carried out emergency interventions to restore water infrastructure in health facilities damaged during armed hostilities or as a result of technical breakdowns. xA 04 p\GczC. 185 Terr., Miami, FL 33157. The program is conducted in close collaboration with Iraqi local government bodies and responds to critical needs in Iraqi communities. 0000001407 00000 n United States Department of State. The core responsibility for this role is coordinating across relevant government entities, especially between the State Department and USAID. For the duration of the Oneida Nation's Public Health State of Emergency, the Nation is directing resources toward mitigation efforts and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cuts could increase the likelihood of preventable violence. Supports disaster and emergency relief efforts, including programs that save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity. Issued a second call for proposals that generated 46 grant proposals, which are currently under review. The final assessment will be used in advocacy efforts to improve the safety conditions in Iraqs airports. USAID is working with the GOIs National Center for Consultancy and Management Development to expand and revitalize its training capacities. Provided income-generation opportunities targeting IDPs and host families, concentrating on civic improvement and clean-up projects. The Office of Foreign Assistance is responsible for the supervision and overall strategic direction of foreign assistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). U.S. Code Toolbox. Most of that aid went toward the Economic Support Fund for Ukraine, at $8.8 billion. As of March, USAID is managing the implementation of 95 projects totaling just over $12 million, while the Department of State is managing the implementation of $19 million in projects. Latest Programs and Updates Office of Recovery Programs Self-Service Resources The Office of Recovery Programs is providing self-resources to assist recipients of awards from its programs with questions about reporting, technical issues, eligible uses of funds, or other items. Improved security allowed the generation of more long-term employment in all areas of Baghdad. The next step of identifying universities and processing candidates is underway. The Community Stabilization Program ($514 million in ESF funding) focuses on reducing the incentives for young men to participate in sectarian violence and insurgent activities in two ways. Basic training in the generation, use, and interpretation of standardized financial soundness indicators has been completed. Completed translation into Kurdish and printing of 1,500 copies of three trade union leadership training manuals. Additional funding could enable the U.S. Government to better respond to the root causes of conflicts that drive increasing humanitarian need around the world and contribute to greater stability in countries of strategic interest to the U.S., including Jordan, Iraq, and Colombia. Reflecting the priority that the Biden-Harris Administration places on global leadership, as well as the Presidents belief that diplomacy and development are vital tools for advancing U.S. interests at home and abroad, the resources included in this Budget Request will advance the foreign policy agenda of the United States and deliver results for the American people. 0000001665 00000 n First, CSP employs or otherwise engages disenfranchised young men who have suffered from violence or are at risk of participating in insurgent or militia activity. The implementer has deployed a provincial support team to work with Governorate Electoral Offices and PRTs, and a world-class election law support team to work with stakeholders in drafting the upcoming provincial election law. About LII. $5 million in Economic Support Fund grants to address balance of payments problems in the Eastern Caribbean. Conducted an in-country assessment of Iraqs political environment. The State Department has now fully committed the $350 million in MRA funds appropriated by Congress for the international COVID-19 response. Economic Support Fund 42 66 VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 May 11, 2019 Jkt 034006 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6659 Sfmt 6659 E:\HR\OC\A006.XXX A006 . IFMIS servers have been moved to the Economic Growth II (EGII) compound where several GOI advisors have temporarily moved to continue work. These projects represent an investment in protecting oil distribution infrastructure and are in various stages of completion, ranging from recently awarded contracts to ninety percent completion. The GOI has also committed to re-establishing the video satellite connectivity. The Global Food Security and COVID-19 Crises: U.S. Prioritized project lists have been approved that plan the use of all authorized funds, with 57 specific efforts identified that span O&M sustainment of U.S.-funded facilities in the essential service areas of electricity, health care, transportation, communication, water, and sanitation. 4 ing FY 2020 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and COVID-19 emergency supplemental funding of $2,717,000,000, is $1,165,000,000 above the fiscal year 2020 enacted level and Provided essential emergency relief commodities for IDPs and affected community members. Additional funds could contribute to greater stability in countries of strategic interest to the U.S., including Jordan, Iraq, Myanmar, and Colombia. economic statecraft agenda, more than 1,000 State Department economic officers promote trade, support U.S exports, and help our companies gain access to overseas markets from Seoul to Sao Paolo. Additional funds could strengthen efforts in fragile contexts where economic instability and hunger cause fragile environments to worsen. Organized the Ministry of Plannings first nationwide conference on Iraqs Provincial Development Strategies (PDS). Repealed. The Office of Recovery Programs is providing self-resources to assist recipients of awards from its programs with questions about reporting, technical issues, eligible uses of funds, or other items. State small business funding support for on-demand workers. Funds are provided to partners through grants, cooperative agreements, and other mechanisms to implement programming to support trade and capacity building, strengthen independent judiciaries, protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, increase public accountability and access to justice, and protect civil society activists and journalists. This program now supports three regional training centers located in Erbil, Mosul, and Basra and a satellite office in Hilla. Helped bring communities together in conflict-mitigation dialogues, leading to broader projects that address the sources of conflict. Budget Request. e?XT&B%HDC#bS.Txc>PX@RX4:X *k[>M=:4\\|%I`R +! Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, U.S. Agency for International Development. Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Incentive Fund - The U.S. is requesting from Congress a $770 million fund to support Tunisia and other transitioning MENA states in their plans to spur economic growth and inward investment, as well as to expand private-sector job and skills training opportunities, and build effective, democratic governance. Oil pipeline exclusion zone projects are being built along the key pipeline corridors of Baiji to Kirkuk, Doura to Hillah, and Baiji to Baghdad. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. ESD and applicant agree to an incentive proposal that outlines the terms. Additionally, USAID will complement the Department of Agricultures efforts ($2.4 million in ESF) in helping implement national policy that promotes and supports commodity-focused agribusinesses. Needs are addressed through a range of activities, including increasing the role of the private sector in the economy, assisting in the development of effective, accessible, and independent legal systems, supporting transparent and accountable governance, countering terrorism and extremist ideology, and empowering citizens. Facebook Since then,drawing on expertise fromboth USAID andState personnel, the Office has provided senior level expertise to Secretaries of State and USAID Administrators across Presidential Administrations. Funding will support at least 22 projects across Washington state focused on increasing programs and services to help meet the needs of underserved communities, businesses, entrepreneurs OLYMPIA, WA - The Washington State Department of Commerce today announced 22 projects conditionally awarded Small Business Innovation Fund (SBIF) grants ranging from $500,000 to $5 million. Continued working with the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to identify and implement durable solutions for the Sudanese asylum seekers near Al Rutba in Anbar province. Ongoing grants are supporting some of the following: training for the Iraqi Private Bankers Association, the Iraqi Beekeepers Association, the Iraqi Bar Association, and the Telafar small business development center. This section reports on funds appropriated under the NADR heading for humanitarian demining and small arms and light weapons destruction, including $9.9 million (FY 2007 continuing resolution), $7 million (FY 2007 supplemental budget), and $15.9 million (FY 2008 omnibus base budget). Continued the Election Observation Series begun last quarter, designed to reinforce civic understanding of international good practices for electoral observation and provided comparative electoral frameworks. Roadmap To Repair: A Guide to How Cities Can Acknowledge and Address the History of Harm to Indigenous Peoples, Rebuild Trust, and Repair . People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund 2346e to 2346i. EB promotes a strong American economy by leveling the playing field for American companies doing business in global markets, attracting foreign investors to create jobs in America, and deploying economic tools to deny financing to terrorists, human rights abusers, and corrupt officials. The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department. Increased funds could decrease the likelihood of preventable violence. This includes strengthening local health responses and provision of emergency relief items to vulnerable families. View this program's assessment summary. LGP also strengthens the management skills of city and provincial administrators, local interim representative bodies, civil society organizations (CSOs), and civic institutions in order to improve the delivery of essential municipal services (including water, sewer, electricity, and solid waste collection and disposal). The Economic Support Fund, which is jointly implemented by both the State Department and USAID, is a $3 billion per year account originally intended to be a source of flexible funding to meet . DRL's Human Rights and Democracy Fund (HRDF), which is DRL's allocation of the Economic Support Fund (ESF), is used to fulfill the Bureau's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. Development Assistance & Economic Support Fund, Director, Policy, Budget and Appropriations, We use cookies to facilitate your navigation on this website. Launched weekly lectures covering the history, heritage, and recent past of the Marsh Arabs with special emphasis on human rights abuses and attempts at genocide during the previous regime. Trained in Jordan 73 representatives of 11 political parties on internal party operations, platform development, internal and external communications, and review of the objectives of a political party. WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the Department's Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $3 million grant to Western Wyoming Community College District, Rock Springs, Wyoming, to help diversify the economy by boosting the region's healthcare workforce. This fund has become an important source of financing for community college new program innovation, development, and capacity building, particularly for career and technical education. Second, CSP activities also provide limited job skills and small in-kind grants that provide tools and opportunities for at-risk Iraqis to create more sustainable employment and to productively re-engage in society. Marshals Service. The Embassy expects to award approximately $24,480,000 to 16 awardees in this second round and to issue a third call for proposals in early May. Provided vocational training to approximately 5,000 students nationwide. Coordinated between Embassy and Washington staff to streamline the QRF process for swifter implementation. Project examples include work to correct transient engine vibration by water washing and balancing, repairing a water cooling line leak, and repairing damage to turbine blades and nozzles. An action guide from the National League of Cities aims to educate municipal officials on the history and current state of Indigenous Peoples and communities and to highlight ways in which municipalities can help repair relationships with Native Americans. Projects in this category are implemented under an Interagency Agreement between U.S. Department of State and USACE, whose Gulf Region Division is responsible for executing and disbursing funds. CSP also provides activities for Iraqi youths, such as sports tournaments, cultural events, and arts activities. These programs also provide the GOI with technical assistance on pension matters, including the establishment of a pension administration system, the development of supervisory mechanisms to ensure adequate protection of funds and investments, and the implementation (with the Pension Reform Steering Committee) of the recently passed Pension Law. d. Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining, and Related Projects (NADR), Humanitarian Demining and Small Arms Destruction. Supported a research competition to examine the draft law on provincial elections and its possible ramifications. Provincial Reconstruction Development Council Funds. The facilitators will use their new skills to conduct community conflict assessments throughout Iraq, focusing on collecting data from community stakeholders who have an impact on conflict, providing analysis of community tensions and conflict dynamics, and highlighting local capacities for peace. The Economic Support Fund (ESF) provides development and economic assistance, particularly to countries of strategic importance to the U.S. 0000003250 00000 n Law about. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. The Procurement Assistance Center (PAC) program has assisted the GOI in drafting and enacting new and streamlined procurement regulations and implementing instructions. While artists and the arts are often overlooked in community development strategies, they can be a vital economic catalyst, particularly in Native American communities, a report from the First Peoples Fund and ArtSpace finds. ESF addresses needs through a range of activities, including increasing the private sector's role in the economy; assisting in the development of . MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE . To date, the fund has completed 367 individual, family, and community projects, with 213 more being implemented. Convened PRT staff to discuss best approaches to designing proposals. The Inma private sector agribusiness development project ($92.5 million in ESF of $94.9 million total in this category) targets the formation and growth of agribusiness firms to stimulate and expand agriculture production, increase productivity, and achieve higher levels of employment. d. Ambassadors Targeted Development Program. Conducted four workshops for 120 participants from provincial councils and civic organizations from Basrah, Amara, Nassriya, and Samawa on challenges and opportunities for women members of provincial councils. Our Mission. Funds in this category also support the participation of women and minorities in the political process and civil society efforts. Completed drafts of an informal education manual and distributed to NGOs implementing informal education activities for Iraqis in Jordan. Redundancy: Supplementing existing oil export facilities with additional resources in order to ensure continuity of crude oil exports. Continued providing assistance to the Minister of Electricity for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on developing an electricity master plan. Projects conducted this quarter included electrical capacity development training given to engineers, operators, and technicians from the Iraq Ministry of Electricity. Conducted in collaboration with the Northwest Area Foundation, LINC, and Colorado State . The Empire State Economic Development Fund (EDF) offers financial assistance for projects that promote New York States economic health by facilitating job creation and/or retention, or increased business activity in the state. <]>> Completed the planting of 3,000 acres, half in Anbar province and half in Diyala province, with new high-yield varieties of wheat and barley. The Congress recognizes that, under special economic, political, or security conditions, the national interests of the United States may require economic support for countries or in amounts which could not be justified solely under part I of subchapter I of this chapter or, in the case of countries in sub . The U.S. Economic Support Services. State and USAID have worked with other U.S. agencies to increase the number of public management advisors within key Iraqi ministries, in order to achieve a more rapid improvement in those ministries performance. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program, a part of the American Rescue Plan, delivers $350 billion to state, local, and Tribal governments across the country to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency. These data will guide an investment that could reach over $10 million. The Office of Foreign Assistance is responsible forthesupervision and overallstrategicdirection of foreignassistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). 0000003738 00000 n Verified the use of maize to support the local feed grains industry, which had been disrupted in Anbar province by the insurgency. b. O&M Sustainment of Key U.S.-Funded Infrastructure. Funds could be used for technical assistance to local governments to foster communities of learning and pursue comprehensive development efforts. View a complete list of available self-service resources. Follow Us: Criminal Justice Development and Rule of Law International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Funds (INCLE). international activities, including operating U.S. embassies and consulates throughout the world; providingmilitary assistance to allies; aiding developing nations; dispensing economic assistance to fledgling democracies; promoting U.S. exports abroad; making U.S. payments to international organizations; and contributing to international peacekeeping efforts.. Home; Historical Documents. Worked with Iraqi NGOs and civil society organizations to increase their operational capacity and strengthen their ability to provide essential services to the community. Construction of Phase I of the Nassriya Maximum-Security prison is 95 percent complete. Phone: 850-487-2568 or 850-298-6626. Agreed to fund and install a Judicial Education and Development Institute (JEDI) on the Central Criminal Court-Iraq (CCC-I) campus in Karkh. The $245,000 renovation of the Suroor Elementary School in Baghdad. The President's Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request includes $60.4 billion for the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), $1.9 billion or 3 percent above the Fiscal Year 2022 Request, and $7.4 billion or 14 percent above FY 2021 enacted levels. Also continued to help develop COSITs human resource capacity through an assessment of resources and development of a new staffing plan based on the MSP. Every day, the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB) creates jobs at home, boosts economic opportunities overseas, and makes America more secure. These projects include support for income generation, prosthetics, and rehabilitation of destroyed homes, schools, and clinics. USAID is also installing a new network to facilitate data capture, storage, and processing. 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