effectiveness of blended learning

Effectiveness of Moodle-enabled blended learning in private Indian Business School teaching NICHE programs. Blended 82 Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between student characteristics, design features and outcomes, https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-017-0043-4, Learning outcomes and significant predictors, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/, selfdeterminationtheory.org/intrinsic-motivation-inventory/, http://www.infodev.org/en/Publication.301.html, http://www.kineo.com/m/0/blended-learning-report-202013.pdf, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. This can go a long way in producing skilled learners who can be innovative graduates enough to satisfy employment demands through creativity and innovativeness. Flexibility: Blended learning is flexible and allows students to learn at their own pace. Emotional intelligence as a predictor for success in online learning. Cohen, K. E., Stage, F. K., Hammack, F. M., & Marcus, A. Self-regulatory skills of time management lead to better performance and learners ability to structure the physical learning environment leads to efficiency in e-learning and blended learning environments. doi: 10.7861/clinmedicine.7-1-37. Part of Learners however reported the value/usefulness of blended learning at 91% with majority believing that studying online and face-to-face had value for them (93.3%) and were therefore willing to take part in blended learning (91.2%). Find out more here . Blended learning strategy is an increasingly used term which refers to the traditional classroom integrated with technological advancement to create a hybrid teaching methodology. (2001). (2014). Technology-enhanced simulation for health professions education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Read on to learn a few tips. The study was applied to 110 students who attend to Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey and take Introduction to Computers Course. An effective learning strategy is not only implemented for the training of students but also at the corporate level. This study aimed to investigate and determine the effectiveness of blended learning in the context of new ways in teaching and learning to enhance students' academic achievement. Effective blended learning would require that learners are able to initiate, discover and accomplish the processes of knowledge construction as antecedents of blended learning effectiveness. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! California Privacy Statement, It is aimed at determining the significant predictors of blended learning effectiveness taking student characteristics/background and design features as independent variables and learning outcomes as dependent variables. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies International Education Journal, 7(4), 534546. Building an effective blended learning classroom requires careful planning and preparation. The results indicated that the type of blended learning in use predicted 40.4% of student learning outcomes. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. At the cognitive level, learners interacted with content at 72% by reading the posted content (81%), exchanging knowledge via the LMS (58.4%), participating in discussions on the forum (62%) and got course objectives and structure introduced during the face-to-face sessions (86%). Learner performance by age and gender in e-learning and blended learning has been found to indicate no significant differences between male and female learners and different age groups (i.e. ), Learning Through Teaching (Proceedings of the 6th Annual Teaching Learning Forum, pp. Apart from the learner variables such as gender, age, experience, study time as tackled before, this study considers social and background aspects of the learners such as family and social support, self-regulation, attitudes towards blended learning and management of workload to find out their relationship to blended learning effectiveness. InfoDev. Clinical Medicine. The .gov means its official. Funnel plot of blended learning versus no intervention. Education and Information Technologies, 12, 165174. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 31(4), 423439. Average percentages of the items making up the self regulated learning scale are used to report the findings about all the sub-scales in the learner characteristics/background scale. Peer support is required by learners who have no or little knowledge of technology, especially computers, to help them overcome fears. Let's dive right in. Cite this article. It is again noted that a system with poor response time cannot be taken to be useful for e-learning and blended learning especially in cases of limited bandwidth (Anderson, 2004). A study by Naaj et al. The end of semester results were used to measure learner performance. Oxford Group, (2013). From the Postgraduate Directorate (n=17), first and second year students were selected because learners attend a face-to-face session before they are given paper modules to study away from campus. ICT-in-education toolkit reference handbook. A study by Rahman, Yasin and Jusoff (2011) indicated that learners were able to use some steps to construct meaning through an online discussion process through assignments given. Create an assessment framework to measure the ongoing effectiveness of new hire learning content and facilitation. (2009). Blended learning approach is an effective way to teach clinical research module. They showed that it is beneficial for them (94%) and that it was an important way of studying (84.3%). Comparisons between blended learning environments have been done to establish the disparity between academic achievement, grade dispersions and gender performance differences and no significant differences were found between the groups (Demirkol & Kazu, 2014). (2008), no statistically significant differences exist between age groups. Stacey, E., & Gerbic, P. (2007). In a report by Oxford Group (2013), some learners (16%) had negative attitudes to blended learning while 26% were concerned that learners would not complete study in blended learning. In line with Coldwell et al. Although significant publication bias was found, the trim and fill method showed that the effect size changed to 0.26 (95% CI -0.01 to 0.54) after adjustment. We also aimed to explore factors that could explain differences in learning effects across study designs, participants, country socioeconomic status, intervention durations, randomization, and quality score for each of these questions. Cronbachs alpha was used to test reliability and the table below gives the results. eCollection 2022. ), Distance education. Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. 1): This research applies a quantitative design where descriptive statistics are used for the student characteristics and design features data, t-tests for the age and gender variables to determine if they are significant in blended learning effectiveness and regression for predictors of blended learning effectiveness. Create blended learning materials and validate content to ensure accuracy and appropriate context ; . Sankaran and Bui (2001) indicated that less motivated learners performed poorly in knowledge tests while those with high learning motivation demonstrate high performance in academics (Green, Nelson, Martin, & Marsh, 2006). Martinengo L, Yeo NJY, Markandran KD, Olsson M, Kyaw BM, Car LT. Int J Nurs Stud. Background: Sun P, Tsai RJ, Finger G, Chen Y, Yeh D. What drives a successful e-Learning? The effectiveness of internet-based e-learning on clinician behavior and patient outcomes: a systematic review protocol. Swaminathan N, Ravichandran L, Ramachandran S, Milanese S. J Educ Health Promot. Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 5(2), 116. Learner extent of use of the learning management system features was as shown in the table below in percentage (Table4): From the table, very rarely used features include the blog and wiki while very often used ones include the email, forum, chat and calendar. Funnel plot of blended learning versus non-blended learning. Blended learning achieved significantly better levels of ECG competence and confidence amongst medical students than conventional ECG teaching did. Article From the coefficients table, the VIF values ranged from 1.0 to 2.4, well below the cut off value of 10 and indicating no possibility of multicollinearity. Garrison, D. R., & Kanuka, H. (2004). Supervised learning techniques were applied: linear regression and k-means clustering. This innovative pedagogical approach has been embraced rapidly though it goes through a process. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 8(2), 488492. Lin and Vassar, (2009) indicated that learner success is dependent on ability to cope with technical difficulty as well as technical skills in computer operations and internet navigation. Persistence of masters students in the United States: Developing and testing of a conceptual model. Heinich, R., Molenda, M., Russell, J. D., & Smaldino, S. E. (2001). Canada: AU Press, Athabasca University. Good communication, writing . In addition, dissatisfaction resulted from technical difficulties as well as ambiguous course instruction Hara and Kling (2001). This evaluates the extent of an e-learning system usage and the educational effectiveness. Learners in the study found Moodle to be an effective educational tool. Bookshelf New York, USA: Sloan-C. Piccoli, G., Ahmad, R., & Ives, B. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(3), 115127. Guskey (2000) noted that planning evaluation fits in well since it occurs before the implementation of any innovation as well as allowing planners to determine the needs, considering participant characteristics, analyzing contextual matters and gathering baseline information. (2008). Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Online students: Relationships between participation, demographics and academic performance. There are statistically significant differences (p<.005) in the performance between age groups with means of 62% for age group 2030 and 67% for age group 31 39. Research shows that blended learning strategies have the proven potential to enhance both the effectiveness and the efficiency of meaningful learning experiences. They reported that online resources were well organized, user friendly and easy to access (71%) as well as well structured in a clear and understandable manner (72%). The design features under study here include interactions, technology with its quality, face-to-face support and learning management system tools and resources. Selim, (2007) noted that the learners attitude towards e-learning and blended learning are success factors for these learning environments. It was also noted that a common factor in failure and learner drop-out is the time conflict which is compounded by issues of family, employment status as well as management support (Packham, Jones, Miller, & Thomas, 2004). A lack in computer skills causes failure in e-learning and blended learning as noted by Shraim and Khlaif (2010). Distance education drop-out: What can we do? Google Scholar. Its effectiveness is tested by a 12-week experiment of joint learning for CET-4. The learners perceived usefulness/satisfaction with online system, tools, and resources was at 81% as the LMS tools helped them to communicate, work with peers and reflect on their learning (74%). It is essential to remember that the research was not meant to check on the effectiveness of the general level of education funding in the New Jersey. Lim, D. H., & Morris, M. L. (2009). We took students from three schools out of five and one directorate of post-graduate studies at a Ugandan University. Selim, H. M. (2007). Moving forward: embracing challenges as opportunities to improve medical education in the post-COVID era. blended learning; effectiveness; health professions; knowledge; meta-analysis. JAMA. Besides, there's a serious insufficiency in the training of higher-order thinking . 2. (2012). The learner characteristics/backgrounds being investigated for blended learning effectiveness include self-regulation, computer competence, workload management, social and family support, attitude to blended learning, gender and age. Because it combines the two advantages of instructional models, blended learning has positive impact to the learning process. 2020 Apr;104:103512. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103512. A predictive study of student satisfaction in online education programs. It was found that male learners performed slightly better (M=62.5) than their female counterparts (M=61.1). We identified 56 eligible articles. Blended learning provides the necessary communication, collaboration, and learning technology to quickly and efficiently keep employees up-to-date on new procedures and offerings without taking them out of the field. A learning management system (Moodle) was used and learner characteristics/background and blended learning design features were measured in relation to learning effectiveness. On the whole, poor quality technology yields no satisfaction by users and therefore the quality of technology significantly affects satisfaction (Piccoli, Ahmad, & Ives, 2001). Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 15(1), 4557. Universities should be mindful of the interplay between the learner characteristics, design features and learning outcomes which are indicators of blended learning effectiveness. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 13(1), 7887. Studies comparing blended learning with traditional face-to-face have indicated that learners perform equally well in blended learning and their performance is unaffected by the delivery method (Kwak, Menezes, & Sherwood, 2013). They however do not deal with such variables in the contexts of blended learning design as an aspect of innovative pedagogy involving the use of technology in education. Askar, P. & Altun, A. The determinants of students perceived learning outcomes and satisfaction in university online education: an empirical investigation. Moodle has helped learners to accomplish their learning tasks more quickly (74%) and that as a LMS, it is effective in teaching and learning (88%) with overall satisfaction levels at 68%. 59% of students are more motivated when using blended learning models. Training, 37(3), 6475. This was aimed at finding out if male and female learners do perform equally well in blended learning given their different roles and responsibilities in society. One big challenge is about how users can successfully use the technology and ensuring participants commitment given the individual learner characteristics and encounters with technology (Hofmann, 2014). Average collaborative, cognitive learning as well as learner-teacher interactions exist as important factors. Would you like email updates of new search results? (2011). M icrolearning is a learning approach that involves delivering small, targeted chunks of information to learners in a concise and easily digestible format. They showed positivity with it as it improved their understanding of course material (Ahmad & Al-Khanjari, 2011). A t-test was carried out to establish the performance of male and female learners in the blended learning set up. From the table above, design features (technology quality and online tools and resources), and learner characteristics (attitudes to blended learning, self-regulation) were significant predictors of learner satisfaction in blended learning. Research shows that high motivation among online learners leads to persistence in their courses (Menager-Beeley, 2004). On the whole, the online resources were fine for the learners (67.2%) and useful as a learning resource (80%). International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC), 1(4), 746752. Our study has not agreed with Eom et al. In this study we have investigated learning outcomes as dependent variables to establish if particular learner characteristics/backgrounds and design features are related to the outcomes for blended learning effectiveness and if they predict learning outcomes in blended learning. PMC Beard, Harper and Riley (2004) shows that some learners are successful while in a personal interaction with teachers and peers thus prefer face-to-face in the blend. Student-teacher interaction showed a relation with satisfaction according to Swan (2001) but is not a predictor in our study. Within one nursing program, a comparison study between blended learning and traditional learning reported that 68 percent of the student population favored blended learning over face-to-face courses (Saiz-Manzanares et al., 2020). Assessing the acceptance of a blended learning university course. In the process of giving and receiving among themselves, the authors noted that learners learned by writing what they understood. Some researchers stated that blended learning can enhance students' learning outcomes, improve students' motivation , and it is effective way for achieving learning objectives [4,5,14,15]. Two reviewers independently evaluated study quality and abstracted information including characteristics of learners and intervention (study design, exercises, interactivity, peer discussion, and outcome assessment). Available on cedma-europe.org. Blended learning strategies develop students' mastery of learning objectives while increasing student engagement, interaction, collaboration, and the use of digital learning tools. Factors influencing adult learners decision to drop out or persist in online learning. A standard multiple regression analysis was done taking learner characteristics/background and design features as predictor variables and learning outcomes as criterion variables. Concerns about the effectiveness of blended learning have led to an increasing number of studies on this topic. Business Communication Quarterly, 63(4), 918. According to Education Elements, which develops hybrid learning technologies, successful blended learning occurs when technology and teaching inform each other: material becomes dynamic when it reaches students of varying learning styles. The traditional classroom integrated with technological advancement to create a hybrid teaching...., H. ( 2004 ) Russell, J. D., & Marcus, a below the! Learning techniques were applied: linear regression and k-means clustering been embraced rapidly though it goes through a.... 3 ), no statistically significant differences exist between age groups who have no or knowledge. 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