At first, a manually labeled training set was collected by a University researcher. Following the setup in Dubremetz and Nivre (2017), we compare two models for chiasmus detection, one with only basic features (117) and one with all features. are a factor of false instances. As a result of the EUs General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We therefore selected Baseline Length + DoS as the final model to evaluate on the test set. lxromero. So, achieving full grip will need extensive knowledge, training, and practice. But this exaggeration is usually measured and deliberate. Find the clause and phrases to identify conjunctions. information about simple semantic relationships between objects in simple phrases. Without measuring this relation between the two features we probably miss an essential property of the figure. And if we remove the harmful sentence length feature, it actually performs even better (gain of 1% on both metrics compared to Full Features). There were 296 of them. A serious methodological problem for the evaluation of chiasmus detection is the massive concentration of false positives (about 66, 000 of them for only one true positive in 150, 000 words). 11. For instance, Example 24 has an end similarity of 2 similar end words (not on) divided by 4 (the number of words in the shorter sentence This is not on). Affecting the order of words. ), Wow, you're really in a pickle now. What Is the Figure of Speech Antiphrasis? The fact that controversial cases, like Examples 4 and 9, exist is not surprising and is not necessarily a problem in literature. Omissions? All rights reserved. To avoid giving an excessive advantage to long sentences, we divide this number by the number of words of the shortest sentence. Writers have been using figures of speech throughout time to add color to what they are trying to communicate. However, there are also many cases in between that share properties of both true and false instances and that we cannot sharply place in one or the other category like Example 9. A figure of speech is a phrase that has an implied meaning and should not be taken at face value. ThoughtCo. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". A spectrogram of a speech signal used in our approach is shown in Figure 1 . You dont need any kind of command over the grammatical rules and linguistic expertise to use our online tool at all. However, another phenomenon attracted our attention and forced us to restrict the candidate selection for epanaphora: the phenomenon of True/False cases. A car is a motor vehicle -> fact J. Mach. The experiment scenario 1 is . 2023 iSchoolConnect. ), epanaphora also called anaphora (Poor old European Commission! Given candidates r1 and r2, f(r1) > f(r2) means that r1 is more likely to be a true figure of speech than r2 according to the model. Indeed, these tools abound in nearly every corner of life. Fig. Figure of speech. (Our family has secrets. It can be a metaphor or simile designed to make a comparison. Receive real-time speech recognition results as the API processes the audio input streamed from your application's microphone or sent from a prerecorded audio file (inline or through Cloud Storage). Figures of speech can be broken into two main groups: figures of speech that play with the ordinary meaning of words (such as metaphor, simile, and hyperbole ), and figures of speech that play with the . We believe an important part of the explanation lies in the way the training set was constructed through repeated testing of hand-crafted features and weights. Comput., Vol. The True, Borderline and Duplicate instances were then re-annotated by a second annotator. The camel is the ship of the desert. The challenge consists in training a model for rare stylistic phenomena, with a corpus that is only very partially annotated. Words repeated: Number of additional repetitions of Wa or Wb in the context, 7. (32) It has been the poor relation with respect to the milk, beef, tobacco and wine sectors. John likes the blue house at the end of the street. In addition, we can measure recall, not absolutely but relative to the total pool of genuine cases found by all systems evaluated, as is commonly done in information retrieval evaluations. (2009). This leads to fewer false candidates thanks to the limited amount of long successions of non-figure repetitions. 1. As for epanaphora, one can talk about epiphora of chapters, lines, clauses or phrases but we limit also the scope to epiphora of sentences, exemplified in Example 2. In grammar class, we got to identify the five figures of speech, their use, and how to identify them. Linguist. I felt squished inside, I felt like standing in a field and twirling in circles []. For chiasmus extraction, we extract every criss-cross pattern that has an identity of lemmas within a window of 30 tokens. The type of English contained in Europarl is generic enough that we think the system is likely to be applicable on many other genres, like novels. Mad kings! In grammar class, we got to identify the five figures of speech, their use, and how to identify them. Parallelism: the use of similar structures in two or more clauses. The corpora are preprocessed (tagged and parsed) as described in previous sections before running the detectors. All Rights Reserved. Ans: The figures of speech are as follows. To say that Uncle Wheezer is "older than dirt" is an example of hyperbole. All the feature selection experiments reported in this section were performed on the training corpus. The annotation was done by the authors of this study. or ?). ", A rhetorical question is asked merely for effect with no answer expected: "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who would want to live in an institution?" We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. doi: 10.1108/eb051463. In some ways this list is a bit of a stretch in using the term 'figure' to describe all . This is the first time that detection of such a large set of repetitive figures has been both developed and fully evaluated. Several features have already been tested for chiasmus, as discussed briefly in section 1. This difference is actually the most impressive because it is created only by the addition of the DoS feature and the removal of the sentence length feature. 8. ^Definition of rhetorical device given by Princeton wordnet: Identical trigrams: Number of trigrams that are identical in Cab and Cba, 14. In the next sections we will see how we handle each figure in turn. Two results are noteworthy. Experiments extracting semantic information from the WordNet. A vehicle is a car -> a false overgeneralization Thanks to the automatic detection of rhetorical figures, we discover that chiasmus is more likely to appear in the scientific context whereas epanaphora and epiphora are more common in fiction. While they may be an informal and childish way of speaking, these figures of speech can often come in handy when one is trying to be illustrious. 9. 10. For example: Kelvin is as blind as a bat. Get an answer for 'Identify figure of speech (simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, litotes, irony, euphemism) and interpret its meaning: 1. In this particular case the example would sound like a perfect positive one if only the machine had not extracted the last sentence, starting by his. Such case is not so infrequent in the task of epanaphora detection. Results for logistic regression model on chiasmus detection. Learn. Image to 4x Image. Europarl is the transcription of discussions in the European assembly. bottom of page Choosing the best model for epiphora. Gawryjolek (2009) was the first to address the automated detection of repetitive figures and of chiasmus in particular. To answer this question, we perform a systematic exploration study that consists in extracting the candidates with a minimum of only one identical lemma, without any filter, and annotating a random sample of 100 candidates. The only difference is that we applied oversampling with a weight of 5 for the true class. War is peace. Incorrect form of the verb for the specific tense (I gone here once); 3. This is in fact a necessary requirement. Thus, in quotes, figures of speech are expected, more than in any other genres and certainly more than in titles in general. In traditional linguistics, as opposed to computational linguistics, rhetorics is taken for granted. A utomated hate speech detection is an important tool in combating the spread of hate speech, particularly in social media. (, The Titanic was said to be unsinkable, but it sank on its first voyage. In the specific case of epanaphora, using the same extraction method would lead to different numbers of candidates (more than three times more for epanaphora than for epiphora) and the types of false positives would not be the same. ). (8) We can accept the principle of prohibiting the exportation of Category 1 and Category 2 material. Section 3 is based on work previously published in Dubremetz and Nivre (2017). That is why in Dubremetz and Nivre (2015) we take the example of a book written by Churchill where only one chiasmus was to be found and in the same conditions of extraction we got 66,000 instances. To fit the system, we use the 31 instances labeled as True by both annotators as our positive examples. this phenomenon is called symploce and in order to not count them twice we count them only as epiphora. These leaderboards are used to track progress in Figure Of Speech Detection Trend Dataset Best Model Paper Code Compare; BIG-bench Chinchilla-70B (few-shot, k=5) See all. Despite these difficulties, he describes some features useful for epanaphora and among them, some of them easy to transpose or use on epiphora detection as well. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The epanaphora and epiphora extraction is definitely less of a needle in the haystack problem than chiasmus. Thus, the corpora are annotated by one annotator without randomization. (12) Do not pick the winners and let the winners pick. Thus, chiasmus detection needs not to be seen as a binary classification task. Can't you sit still? For this task, his detection needs to be as precise and exhaustive as possible. Sue won the lottery, so shes a bit excited. While average precision, unlike precision and recall, is sensitive to the ranking of candidates, it nevertheless presupposes that we can identify which candidates to regard as True and False respectively. b. For . To the best of our knowledge there is no pure linguistic study that tries to distinguish between, for instance, chiasmus and non-figure repetitions. Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences. Results for the epanaphora experiments. For epanaphora and epiphora the questions are slightly different than for chiasmus. We will go on to describe the features used in the respective models, and we will finish with experimental results based on the Europarl corpus. Mad composition!" - King John II, William Shakespeare. Both metaphors and similes express comparisons between two things that aren't obviously alike. This car is mine. Secondly, one feature seems to be much more important than all others, namely diff on start (DoS), since results drop by over 10 points when this feature is removed, which is ten times more than the second best new feature, start similarity, where results drop by slightly more than 1 point. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, Do you want to revamp the quality of your spoken English? If we look only at this table we can assume that in this corpus there is between 0 and 1% real chiasmus, i.e., from 0 to 20,000 instances of real chiasmi. 18. Humanit. A figure of speech is a word or phrase that is used in a non-literal way to create an effect. Second, as shown in Dubremetz and Nivre (2015) those figures playing on repetition of words can be rare, or even extremely rare (sometimes only one figure is to be found in several hundred pages of books). 5. Finally, this might be explained by the definition of the figure itself. The corpora used for experiments in this section are the same as in section 3.3.1. Thus, epanaphora extraction is necessarily more noisy, which is confirmed by the number of true and borderline cases found in the samples: 11 True or Borderline cases found for epiphora and only 4 for epanaphora. In this article, we target the detection of three rhetorical figures that belong to the family of repetitive figures: chiasmus (I go where I please, and I please where I go. You can also use a verb identifier tool to find verb in sentence online without any need for expertise in grammatical skills. Here are two metonymy figure of speech examples-, Not to be confused with ironies and paradoxes, this figure of speech is used to connect two opposite ideas simultaneously. To the best of our knowledge, there is only one existing chiasmus ever reported in the history of rhetorics that relies exclusively on stopwords12. Such rareness is a challenge for our discipline. A polysyndetic style places a conjunction after every item in the list. And if we limit our comparison to the the very prototypical instances scored over 50% we have seven times more of them. The study on chiasmus, presented in section 3, has been previously published in Dubremetz and Nivre (2017), but the study on epanaphora and epiphora, in section 4, is original work presented for the first time. Most of them are actually the short and lyrical repetition of one or two words like in Examples 35 and 36 extracted from two titles of thrillers. After, cleaning and removing of duplicates this corpus contains exactly 192.506 titles. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things and uses the words "like" or "as" and they are commonly used in everyday communication. figure of speech generator. Piece of . Her cat is near the computer to keep an eye on the mouse. For example, you may have often heard people saying that the wind is howling. Look at these two popular examples to get a better idea-, This type of figure of speech is generally used by talking about two very different kinds of things that have a common link. Two popular examples are-, These are one of the most common figures of speech in English, and you must have used them at least once, even if you are not a native English language speaker. Metaphor: a comparison between two things that don't use "like" or "as.". Do you believe you understood all that was covered? ThoughtCo. "He lost his head", "I work a million hours a day" and "I could eat an entire horse" are all examples of hyperbole. 100+ thought of the day quotes to start your day right! (, It's just a scratch. First, if chiasmus is convenient for titles, we might be likely to find them in this kind of text. Application of our best detectors on three corpora. Retrieved from His underlying aim is to use epanaphora as a metric of genre. Epiplexis is a type of rhetorical question whose purpose is to rebuke or reproach: "Have you no shame?". Thus, it might not reach the right audience. doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000007144, Clarke, S. J., and Willett, P. (1997). This remark is interesting because it assumes that chiasmus should be over-frequent in it. To test the usefulness of our features for detecting epanaphora and epiphora, respectively, we performed an ablation study, where we systematically removed one feature at a time to see what contribution it gave to the results. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Our way to proceed consisted in first tuning the weights of the features manually. Forming an integral part of language, figures of speech are found in oral literatures as well as in polished poetry and prose and in everyday speech. a small piece of electronic equipment that you use to do calculations. We did not add or test new features especially designed for epanaphora. There are a wealth of these literary tools in the English language. 2018 Speakeasy Technologies. Thus, the diff on end similarity is 2/1 = 2. We identify and examine challenges faced by online automatic approaches for hate speech detection in text. How to use figure of speech in a sentence. Both involve apparent contradictions. We base our evaluation system on the same principle: through our experiments our different chiasmus/epanaphora/epiphora retrieval engines will return different hits. Call the object with arguments . Chowdhury, G. (1999). He knows perfectly well that for nearly fifty years she has scrupulously avoided engaging in controversial political issues. figure 1; figure 2; figure 3; figure 4; figure 5; figure 6; figure 7; figure 8; View All 8 Figures & Tables. In addition to the core functions of detecting and fixing parts of speech mistakes in your text, it offers numerous . Climax (figure of speech) a climax is a figure of speech in which words, phrases, or clauses are arranged in order of increasing importance. Thus we have a double-fold challenge: we must not only perform well at classifying the majority of spurious instances but above all perform well in finding the rare genuine cases. The voiceActivityDetector System object detects the presence of speech in an audio segment. Adverbs are the category of the words that modify or qualify the verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs in a sentence. Simile - Rachel is as bright as the sun. The average precision is expressed by the following formula: rP@rR, R = number of relevant instances in gold standard. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of all the cookies. For instance, Examples 7 and 9 would be annotated but not Examples 8 and 28. This work is meant to However, instead of evaluating only by precision and recall, we use average precision6, which does not measure only binary decisions but whether true instances have been ranked higher than irrelevant cases. Metaphors and similes are two figures of speech used most often. Our explanation is based on the observation of the figures. Tone Word Examples: 75+ Ways to Describe Tone, Examples of Symbolism: Signifying Ideas Through Symbols, Descriptive Words for Food: Taste, Texture and Beyond, A little thin on top (instead of "going bald"), Fell off the back of a truck (instead of "stolen"), Economical with the truth (instead of "liar"), "How nice!" Your email address will not be published. They can involve repetition of any linguistic element, from sound, as in rhyme, to concept and ideas, as in pleonasm and tautology. In this article, we have targeted the detection through ranking of three repetitive figures: chiasmus, epiphora and epanaphora. The pain unendurable. In this section, we describe eight features that are used in our systems and that provide the basis for a feature ablation study in the next subsection. To help you avoid that from happening, we will be exploring 18 different figures of speech examples in this blog. Types of Figurative Language. The ranking is what matters the most for the user and it is reflected by the average precision measure which is still excellent (minimum 65%). The Top 20 Figures of Speech. Finally, we have demonstrated the usefulness of our approach through a comparative analysis of three corpora: one belonging to science, another to fiction, and a last one consisting of quotes. If we had reversed the order, we might have ended up with fewer features applied to epiphora. Otherwise, it converges to the majority baseline and classifies everything as false. Required fields are marked *. (He was in a situation with two bad outcomes. Personification - The wind whispered in my ears. Webster's New World College Dictionary. In addition to the core functions of detecting and fixing parts of speech mistakes in your text, it offers numerous additional features too. Because titles are extremely short, the number of candidates is fairly limited for epanaphora and epiphora (only 2 instances of epanaphora for scientific titles for instance). Figure of Speech: Definition and Examples, 20 Figures of Speech That We Never Heard About in School, Figures of Speech: The Apostrophe as a Literary Device. In this section, we will apply the three detectors to three comparable corpora (same quantity of text, same language and only different genres). Homoioteleuton (pronounced ho-moi-o-te-LOO-ton) refers to . Based on the results of the ablation study, we decided to run an additional model selection experiment, the results of which are shown in Table 4. In Example 22, we see that the lemmatizer is tailored to lemmatize the same way subject pronouns and possessive pronoun. The most common rules for using the verbs in the sentences correctly are listed below: Verbs are the most important and most complex forms of parts of speech that require extremely high-level of grammatical expertise and skills. No tracking or performance measurement cookies were served with this page. ^In the corpus study of (Dubremetz 2013) the largest chiasmus found consisted of 23 tokens. (15) It is much better to bring work to people than to take people to work. This allows not only to do ranking (like we did with the human tuned system) but also to additionally give a precision and relative recall score, because every instance with a score above 0.5 is considered as a true instance by the model. Dubremetz, M. (2013). Dunn, J. MD has lead the experiments and co-written the article. This makes sure that both training and evaluation is based on the most prototypical true examples. Subscribe to iSchoolConnect and stay up to date with latest blog articles about higher education. Adding the syntactic features further improves precision but also increases recall quite significantly. (6) I know that every word is true, for you have hardly said a word which I did not know. ^For example, if the machine extracts both All for one, one for all and All for one, one for all, the first is labeled True and the second Duplicate, even if both extracts cover a true chiasmus. The safety of mines is also a major problem. (Metaphor) A rain starts or thinner, then look at the joy in the soil, the birds told me that you are going to distant lands. We annotate manually the top hundreds of those hits and obtain a pool of relevant (and irrelevant) repetitions. Figure 1: Process diagram for hate speech detection. Onomatopoeia vs. Homoioteleuton. As we observed in Dubremetz and Nivre (2015), chiasmus, like metaphor (Dunn, 2013), can be seen as a graded phenomenon with prototypical examples and controversial/borderline cases such as Examples 4, 5, 6. Our part of speech checker helps to avoid such common mistakes as: 1. There could be up to 49 figures of speech expressions captured within her cartoon. Oh, trees, how majestic you are as you throw down your golden leaves. Thus this measure gives more information on the performance of a ranking system than a single recall/precision value (Croft et al., 2010). Initial experiments with multilingual extraction of rhetoric figures by means of PERL-compatible regular expressions, in Proceedings of the Second Student Research Workshop associated with RANLP 2011 (Hissar), 8590. For example: A metaphor makes a comparison between two unlike things or ideas. In this article, we target the detection of three rhetorical figures that belong to the family of repetitive figures: chiasmus (I go where I please, and I please where I go. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. . Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice: International Edition, Vol. First no ranking method has ever been tested for those two figures. For instance, Example 23 has a sentence count of 3. His behaviour is a disgrace and a scandal. The results were obtained by annotating the union of the top 200 instances output by the four systems as proposed in Dubremetz and Nivre (2015) with inspiration from Clarke and Willett (1997). These are the four classic classifications for figures of speech that modify text: addition, omission, substitution and arrangement. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Using Rhetorical Figures and Shallow Attributes as a Metric of Intent in Text. c. Affecting the application of words (interpretation of words) Examples of Figures of Speech. ^Sometimes both an epanaphora and an epiphora are contained in a repetitive figure either because it repeats the all sentence (e.g., Torah! Word to Analyze: Share: Definitions and Possible Meanings: calculator (n) -. National states combat racism, so does Europe. A figure of speech is a word or phrase used in a non-literal (figurative) sense in order to create a certain rhetorical effect. Normalizing features by the maximum values to get only 0 to 1 features deteriorated the result as well. . Image Tools. Neufeldt, V., and Guralnik, D. B. They include: 1. Scikit-learn: machine learning in python. There is no way that (Vandendorpe 1991) could check automatically on huge amounts of academical titles that chiasmus is a clich in this genre. 4. Digit. We have no reason to disbelieve what (Vandendorpe 1991) says but it is discussable. Such recurrent patterns do not appear in epiphora candidates. Thanks to our ranking system, we never pretend to replace the human judgment with a binary system. Figure of speech in tagalog. The preprocessing consists in tokeninizing, lemmatizing, tagging and parsing the corpora with the Stanford CoreNLP (Manning et al., 2014). White's 'The Ring of Time', Definition and Examples of Litotes in English Grammar, 10 Titillating Types of Sound Effects in Language, Tetracolon Climax (Rhetoric and Sentence Styles), What Is a Rhetorical Device? In an antithesis, contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in balanced phrases or clauses ("Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing"). she said when I told her I had to work all weekend. We consider this a reasonable compromise between the theoretical ideal of having a complete ranking of candidates and the practical necessity of making annotation and evaluation feasible. Once we have accumulated enough training data, we can train a model using logistic regression (Pedregosa et al., 2011), which gives us a log-linear probability model, whichis a special case of the linear model where scores are normalized to form a probability distribution. Some figures of speech, like metaphor, simile, and metonymy, are found in everyday language. These can really come in handy during your day-to-day English conversations. The higher the number, the more likely the repetition is to have a rhetorical effect. We then present three concrete instantiations of this approach for, respectively, chiasmus, epanaphora and epiphora, trained and evaluated on data from Europarl (Koehn, 2005). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". As we can see from Table 1, even if the method of extraction is the same (minimum one lemma repetition), the number of instances is definitely not the same, with chiasmus candidates being a thousand times more frequent than epiphora candidates. ), Don't let the cat out of the bag. Here all the features seem to make a positive contribution, and no feature stands out as remarkably better than any other, although the two baseline features strong punctuation and sentence length appear to be crucial for getting high average precision. But let's put you out of your misery. figure of speech definition: 1. an expression that uses words to mean something different from their ordinary meaning: 2. an. For example: Synecdoche occurs when a part is represented by the whole or, conversely, the whole is represented by the part. Identical dependencies a-a: Same but for Wa and Wa, 22. Adverbs deal with numerous types of conditions related to the verbs, adjectives, and adverbs such as location of action, the way of action, intensity of action, the time of action, and others. What are the figures of speech used in Charles Dickens' work in Oliver Twist? terms that are not in the WordNet. These reasons may explain why there are fewer features in the best epanaphora model. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". You can benefit from our professional tool for free. It considers the order in which each candidates is returned by making the average of the precision at each positive instance retrieved by the machine. Irony is a type of figure of speech that is used to denote an opposite meaning to whatever is being said or written. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Sentence count is included in the baseline models. Please find below all Figure of speech . This means that there are many different ways to build the rhetorical effect of repetitive figures and every human is not equally equipped to perceive that. Proportionally our sample (100 for more than 2 million instances) is one thousand times less informative than for epiphora for instance (100 on nearly 3 thousands). After looking at these phrases, you may be eager to start using figures of speech in your daily conversation. With diacope, the repetition is usually broken up by one or more intervening words: "You're not fully clean until you're Zestfully clean." Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The figures of repetitions are a family of figures. They have been trained and tested on data from Europarl. Hammond, A., Brooke, J., and Hirst, G. (2013). Finally, the fact that we have used a three-way categorization into True, False and Borderline makes it possible to later apply more fine grained evaluation methods7. 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Common mistakes as: 1 both metaphors and similes are two figures based on the most true! Speech throughout time to add color to what they are trying to communicate a word or phrase that used! How to use figure of speech, particularly in social media majority and. `` older than dirt '' is an example of hyperbole instances scored over %... Common mistakes as: 1 in controversial political issues increases recall quite significantly gawryjolek ( 2009 ) was first! Felt like standing in a repetitive figure either because it repeats the all sentence (,! At face value unlike chiasmus, epiphora and epanaphora told her I had work... Figure either because it repeats the all sentence ( e.g., Torah the winners and let the out... Speech, like metaphor, simile, and Guralnik, D. B instance, 23. 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Articles about higher education two or more clauses be annotated but not Examples 8 28! (, the whole is represented by the maximum values to get only 0 to figure of speech detector features the! Words to mean something different from their ordinary meaning: 2. an so infrequent in the list the consent! Will see how we handle each figure in turn rhetorical device given by Princeton:!, particularly in social media in text experiments our different chiasmus/epanaphora/epiphora retrieval engines will return different.... Based on the most prototypical true Examples similarity is 2/1 = 2 the Titanic was to! 192.506 titles respect to the milk, beef, tobacco and wine sectors, 2014 ) II, William.., bounce rate, traffic source, etc miss an essential property of the figures of speech in an segment... Type of figure of speech are as follows t you sit still we extract criss-cross... Of those hits and obtain a pool of relevant instances in gold standard controversial,. 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