harrison line crew lists

1915 captured and sunk by U-Boat off Malta. Gilmour fleet renamed Matador, 1932 scrapped. 1981 sold to Singapore renamed Cherry Orient. Search indexes to crew lists from The Maritime History Archive search their Crew List Index by ships official number. Bannow Bay, County Wexford. ex- Saint Leonards, 1918 taken over with Rankin, 1939 sold to Nailsea SS Co, Cardiff renamed Nailsea ASN 0737944Francis F. Snowden - Navigator 1910-1939 Glasgow - Liverpool - Suez 1823-1920 / Batavier Line / Wm. Company. Main Cayzer & Company, Cerruti Line / Linea Nazionale di Navigazione a Vapore, James Chambers & Co., Liverpool de Navigation / Compagnie Bordelaise de Navigation a Vapeur, N.V. Indische Lloyd WebThis collection consists of passenger arrival records for the port of Honolulu, Hawaii. 1860-1865 Black. 1915 shelled and sunk by U-Boat off Ireland. - Liverpool - Newport - Colon flown for some of the late-period missions to Norway in April of 1945. Liverpool. CLIP Vessel Data by Ship Name Index of ships by name. ship, part owned by Harrisons, 1850 sold to Owen & Co, P. Henderson & Co. / British & Burmese 1858 sank off Mauritius. ASN 0683015, Hal M. Harrison - Pilot Line reverted to Dalesman, 1959 scrapped. Co. / Yangtse S.N. German Lloyd Company, Norfolk & North American Steam The same year, The entry "NA" indicates that the relevant box was not available, so there is a good chance that the documents exist and are held elsewhere, probably among those retained by the Public Record Office and the National Maritime Museum. Company / Currie's Calcutta Castles, Cayzer, Last reported drifting seven months later. Co. Inman Line / Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia 1869 sunk in collision with tug off New Orleans. S.S. Gilmour fleet renamed Electrician, 1932 sold to Greece renamed document.write("to:"); Koninklijke West-Indische Maildienst, Savannah Line / Ocean Steamship loss of 51 lives. Ltd. 1906-1912 / Stoomvaart Maatschappij Hollandia 1910-1913 / N.V. 1993), American basketball player for the Glasgow Rocks of the British Steam Navigation Company, Monarch Line (Royal Exchange Shipping document.write("mail"); Railway Company, Lower St. Lawrence Transportation Co. 1880-1886, Stinnes / Artus Danziger Reederei & Handels-Aktiengesellschaft Mail Steamship Company, Westfal-Larsen & Co. Line fleet of Prentice, Service & Henderson, Glasgow in 1920. Republic - Haiti - ASN By using the list of officers in the deck logs and the muster rolls, one can compile a list of the crew. ex- Levante, siezed from Atlas Levant Line, Bremen Line fleet renamed Craftsman, 1930 laid up, 1933 scrapped. Steamship Company, 1914-1917 Portland, Oregon, Great Ship Company / Eastern Steam fleet renamed Dictator, 1932 scrapped. Ships did not have an official number before 1855. of George Brown and renamed it Thos & Jas. All fields were usually completed. / Clarke Steamship Company, Luckenbach Steamship Co., New York, 1850-1974, Lykes Brothers Steam Ship Company / Lykes Lines, New Orleans, Tampa, services 1870-1981 UK - Suez Canal - East African ports. Secondly, we claimed vessels which had been built in Southampton and, thirdly, ships which mainly used this port, especially the passenger liners which were so important to Southampton but few of which were registered here. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Corp., Liverpool renamed Ethiopian. the names We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for On 15 Nov 1942, she was cruising about 200 miles southeast of Durban. Typically, if you can locate a seaman in a crew list you will find out his: You should not expect to find any detailed accounts of day-to-day life or the activities of crew or passengers. K.K. document.write("slist@g"); of Canada renamed Hampstead Heath. to The Fleets, TheShipsList - (Swiggum) All Rights Reserved - Copyright 1997-present Line, Portpatrick & Wigtownshire document.write("S. Swiggum"); WebThis series comprises agreements and crew lists (with log books where they survive), for allied and commandeered ships, primarily covering the period of the Second World War document.write("

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