working diligently and industriously

For an Employer wishing to terminate for a failure to proceed regularly and diligently, gathering the evidence to support the termination in advance is absolutely key to a successful result, should the termination be challenged. As Lord Hoffman stated in Mannai Investments Co Ltd v Eagle Star Assurance11: If the clause had said that the notice had to be on blue paper, it would have been no good serving a notice on pink paper. However, Sabic and Vivergo provide some general guidance as to how this obligation might be construed: Can an employer now insist that its Contractor accelerate the works when it is in delay? Google Translate diligently. The Contractor will then have the opportunity to claim for damages, including compensation for loss of profit. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. California's TAX Portal. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "7d9d30a33807d0b3e90d3222991a4f5b" );document.getElementById("d159e63e7b").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); The Practical Law team and our guest bloggers share their experience and opinions relating to construction and engineering law and projects. "If" one thing happens, "then" another thing will happen. The brothers worked diligently to build a tree house. Add industriously to one of your lists below, or create a new one. However, if a contractor fails to accelerate in these circumstances could that be further evidence of a lack of due diligence? The writers and editors at LovetoKnow Home Improvement diligently research their topics before sharing information with you. Diventa un Sostenitore di WordReference per vedere il sito senza pubblicit. Evidence of delay when compared to a contract programme is always going to be helpful but, as set out below, is not on its own sufficient. He diligently cultivated the rice field in the rural areas for five years. Virgo's partner can expect that this sign will work diligently to correctwhatever ails their relationship, not just out of love, but out of principle. Our customized, multichannel support solutions and professional agent workforce manage your fluctuating sales and customer service needs. If you are a lawyer or work in a legal capacity, please register for a free trial to see if Practical Laws resources are right for your business. However, pinning the contractor down to rigid milestone dates with delay liquidated damages attached to them brings its own problems. As the judge in that case made clear, the success or otherwise of this argument will depend upon the terms of the contract in question and what is required to achieve the completion date. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. Is it in breach of this obligation? You will have to wait until the works are completed and any defects have been made good before claiming monies back from the Contractor (if the works have cost more to complete than they would have done under the original contract) but, thanks to clause 8.7.4, if your notices were valid then you wont have to pay any outstanding monies due to the Contractor. This crossword clue Working diligently was discovered last seen in the October 20 2022 at the NewsDay Crossword. California Occupational Guide. However, employers may now seek to rely on the Sabic case as giving them the right to insist that the contractor accelerate the works, at its own cost, as part of its obligation to proceed with due diligence to achieve the specified completion date. The male shaman had an inner woman or wife whom he listened to closely and who guided him. The series was created and executive produced by Michael Davidoff and Bill Rosenthal. Hot working, the shaping of metal above its recrystallization temperature. Because you know theyre not really scary creatures theyre just kids dressed up in costumes so they can get candy. Here all the prescriptions of puritypartly connected with national customs, and impossible of execution abroad were diligently observed; and even the injunction not to pollute earth with corpses, but to cast out the dead to vulture and dog, was obeyed in its full force. A contractor may be able to re-programme, rather than accelerate, the works to mitigate its own delay, which it is entitled to do under most forms of construction contract. website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations. Live-line working, the maintenance of electrical equipment while it is energised. Get it right and clause 8.7 provides a useful toolbox for the Employer for getting on with the works and the ability to postpone paying any monies which may be due to the Contractor until after the completion of the works and the making good of defects.2. Because people are urged to wear sunscreen diligently and some people don't get outside much, it's easier now to have a vitamin D deficiency than in the past. Many building contracts require the contractor to carry out and complete the works by the completion date and also to proceed with the works regularly and diligently. In primitive cultures around the world, the wisest man or woman in the tribe was the shaman, the healer who could communicate with the spirit world. To understand what a gerund is, imagine your doorbell rings on Halloween. Personal Care Aides, Occupation with the Most Openings. 'diligently' : : beaver away - buckle down - conscientiously - dutifully - hard worker - religiously - rigorously - studiously - take pains to do / diligently : "diligently" Greek . Assessing whether the definition of failing to proceed regularly and diligently has been satisfied is very much a question of judgement and must be assessed against the backdrop of what evidence is available to prove a lack of diligence. The Canadian home for local and national job seekers With this in mind, we look at the kind of evidence that an Employer should collect if the worst happens and the Contractor is failing to proceed regularly and diligently (often in practice accompanied by signs that their financial status is less then ideal). These vegetarians will learn, and fast, that they need to diligently read food labels. Manca qualcosa di importante? Large sums have been expended on the destruction of locusts; they are now practically harmless, but live locusts are diligently collected every year, a reward being paid by the government for their destruction. working 2 of 2 adjective 1 : engaged in work especially for wages or a salary a working journalist a working mother 2 : adequate to permit work to be done a working majority 3 : assumed or active, occupied synonyms for working Compare Synonyms alive busy employed engaged functioning running dynamic going laboring live moving operative effective hot in a job in force in full swing in gear in process on fire on the job on track practical useful viable See also synonyms for: workings antonyms for working MOST RELEVANT idle inactive The fraud will be investigated just as diligently on a family member as it would be if the fraudulent use was by someone you don't know. According to the title-page the New Testament was " translated faithfvlly into English ovt of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages.. At Cambridge he applied himself diligently to the several sciences as then taught, and came to the conclusion that the methods employed and the results attained were alike erroneous. He was one of the first Muscovites who diligently collected foreign books, and we hear of as many as sixty-nine Latin works being sent to him at one time from abroad. Meanwhile, the French in Metz had been diligently at work. The series stars Fred Savage and an ensemble cast including Maurice Godin, Arden Myrin, Yvette Freeman, and Steve Hytner . Welcome to! The host followed with Marya Antonovna Naryshkina; then came ambassadors, ministers, and various generals, whom Peronskaya diligently named. Your email address will not be published. Forum discussions with the word(s) 'diligently' in the title: Discussioni su 'diligently' nel forum English Only, Una o pi discussioni del forum combaciano perfettamente col termine che hai cercato, Journalists should diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegation of wrongdoing, by planning carefully and working diligently [repeating a preposition], looked out for the penitence as diligently, Study diligently and make progress everyday. Pressing danger could only exist if Blucher had gone northwards, and northwards, therefore, in the Dyle valley, he should have diligently sought for traces of the Prussian retreat.'. In that case Mr Justice Ramsey viewed a lack of productivity as being the best evidence of a failure to proceed regularly and diligently.5 However, he also noted that the failure to provide a proper programme (and one in accordance with their contractual obligations) undoubtedly resulted, in that case, in an inability to proceed continuously, industriously and efficiently with appropriate physical resources so as to progress the works towards completion.6. Because people are urged to wear sunscreen diligently and some people don't get outside much, it's easier now to have a vitamin D deficiency than in the past. , by planning carefully and working diligently [repeating a preposition], looked out for the penitence as diligently, Study diligently and make progress everyday. The Employer, in contrast, will need to secure the site, employ others to carry out the works,15 and determine if they need to require the removal of any plant, tools, etc. For example, under the Standard Building Contract form the Architect or Contract Administrator gives the default notice but it is the Employer himself who must serve the final termination notice. The crossword clue possible answer is available in 4 letters. In contrast, Mr Justice Ramsey did not consider that a lack of supervision (without more evidence in support) would be enough to found a separate ground for establishing a failure to proceed regularly and diligently.7 Similarly, allegations of poor material controls, rework of defective fabrication and inadequate management of scaffolding resources were deemed not to add much further to the evidence already put forward. There is evidence that he was an extensively read, if not a minutely accurate classical scholar; and it is interesting to know that Demosthenes was his favourite author, and that he diligently cultivated the faculty of expression by the practice of translation and re-translation. Video evidence should be obtained over a period of time and should ensure wide coverage of the site. (Now hand over the candy.). The other mistake that is very easily made is the wrong person or entity issues the notice(s). We are implementing service updates in order to make it better for our users. Activity 1 : Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer from the given option and write your answer on a one half crosswise sheet of paper. The records preserved in each city were examined, topographical information was diligently collected, and the Jesuit fathers checked their triangulation by meridian altitudes of the sun and pole star and by a system of remeasurements. Unfortunately, the reality is that the final termination notice is often only the start of a dispute between the parties. Most employers want to rely on their contractors experience and expertise to resource, plan and programme the works and achieve completion by the specified date. The training is extensive; everyone is friendly, eager to assist with any questions or problems you may be having learning the line you are working for; and most importantly, the pay checks are deposited like clock work. Learn more. Recent court guidance. Conditional sentences describe a conditional situation, or a result that depends on an event occurring first. This is so even though the delay has been caused by the contractors general lack of productivity and failure to proceed with priority areas in the first place. The popular games are easy to find, but it's those rare games that you need to diligently search for. He continued, however, to devote himself diligently to the pursuits of science, and published many remarkable memoirs. In England every constable when he joins the force makes a declaration and swears that he will serve the sovereign loyally and diligently, and so acquires the rights and privileges of a peace officer of and for the Crown. 1. Type Greek characters with a virtual keyboard. We have listed all the similar and related words for diligently alphabetically. At the same time he diligently pursued the practice of his profession. WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary 2023: Forum discussions with the word(s) 'diligently' in the title:Discussioni nei forum nel cui titolo presente la parola 'diligently': In altre lingue: spagnolo | francese | portoghese | rumeno | tedesco | olandese | svedese | russo | polacco | ceco | greco | turco | cinese | giapponese | coreano | arabo, Principal Translations/Traduzioni principali. A surprising amount is the answer. In 1834 his political friend and colleague John Todd Stuart (1807-1885), a lawyer in full practice, had urged him to fit himself for the bar, and had lent him text-books; and Lincoln, working diligently, was admitted to the bar in September 1836. This is widely understood to require the contractor to proceed: continuously, industriously and efficiently with appropriate physical resources so as to progress the works towards completion substantially in accordance with the contractual requirements as to time, sequence and quality of work. (Simon Brown LJ in West Faulkner Associates v London Borough of Newham.). Working Solutions is the Best company to work for that I have experienced. One user remarked that she used the product diligently for over a year and saw no benefit. Californias online employment resource. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Nine pounds for ninety pages on a film you might have trouble finding at even the most diligently cataloged video shop often seems extravagant. At the close of 1591 he was acting as the earl's confidential adviser, and exerted himself, together with his brother Anthony, diligently in the earl's service. So what evidence should be obtained? The consequences of getting it wrong can be high. Trick or treat! yella ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Its representatives are here at the front and are taking notes, That in itself would be nonsense because any, It is nonsense to spread the idea, which is, I trust that those powers will be exercised a great deal more, It was part of a policy that we have pursued, A thin mucus of liquefied indiarubber, something which constantly flows back to channels from which it has been, He was an ingenious thief who worked most, A thin mucus of liquefied indiarubber, something which constantly flows back to the channels from which it has been, Those were the difficulties that we found ourselves in, and so our committees went on burrowing forward, In fact, before a visit of the governor, or any official visit, prisoners are warned about their behaviour and told to present the appearance of working, It also discovered one of the more unsavoury forms that competition by comparison might take by, That division is occupied by small farmers who work very. The diligence obligation survives and instead attaches to the nearest possible approximation to proper contractual performance, namely, the contractual objective of minimising the ongoing breach. The contractor is obliged to progress the works with due diligence. For the Contractor the next step will, in all likelihood, be to assert that their employment under contract has not been terminated properly because they had not failed to proceed with the works regularly and diligently and/or the notices were not properly issued. Numerous new fields were opened up, and have been diligently explored by many mathematicians. The ample revenues which his predecessors had consumed in pomp and luxury he diligently applied to the establishment of hospitals; and the multitudes who were supported by his charity preferred the eloquent discourses of their benefactor to the amusements of the theatre or of the circus. working ( wk) n 1. the operation or mode of operation of something 2. the act or process of moulding something pliable 3. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Yes! If so, are you still within the 21-day period following that? 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? A working person is employed: working mothers working adjective [not gradable] (PERFORMING AS INTENDED) performing as intended and doing what it is supposed to do: The mechanic finally Segnala un errore o suggerisci miglioramenti. Their investigation has since been diligently prosecuted. Without being very plentiful anywhere, it is generally distributed in suitable localities throughout its range - those localities being such as afford it a sufficient supply of food, consisting during the greater part of the year of insects, which it diligently seeks on the boles and larger limbs of old trees; but in autumn and winter it feeds on nuts, beech-mast, the stones of yew-berries and hard seeds. Conversely, it also provides guidance for Contractors seeking to establish that the Employer has repudiated their contract, or will do so, if it seeks to terminate their employment on that ground. The first notice (the default notice otherwise known as a hurry-up notice10) sets out the failure to proceed regularly and diligently, whilst the second notice (only to be issued if the same behaviour continues for 14 days from the default notice and within 21 days of that) terminates the Contractors employment under the contract. When you consider that working out diligently could help you loose six pounds in six weeks, it can be worth the wait. !, Sta is a 16-year-old high school student who was recruited to work at the family restaurant Wagnaria by Popura. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Our thesaurus contains synonyms of diligently in 38 different contexts. No matter how diligently you've planned, there will always be surprises as you begin the retirement phase of your life. The brothers worked diligently to build a tree house. This is a very interesting topic, given that it refers to a Saudi Arabian related dispute and that without exception all of the contracts let in Saudi Arabia barr none, fall into serious delay. Working diligently crossword clue. From Rome it passed to Constantinople; at the end of the 9th century it was diligently studied by Leo VI., who himself wrote a work on tactics; and in the middle of the 10th century Constantine Porphyrogenitus mentioned it as one of the most valuable books in the imperial library. The form, content, timing and method of service set out in section 8 of the JCT and the notice provisions more generally12 must be followed to the letter. 2. Some facets of communication and discussion are innate, but a person who isn't gifted with social graces or an outgoing personality can still become successful at public relations by studying diligently. adj. One can check verbs forms in different tenses. If you would like to receive a digital version of our newsletters please complete the subscription form. Organic gardening methods to lower soil pH take longer and must be used diligently to lower the soil pH. In copper-engraving Diirer was at the same time diligently training himself to develop the methods practised by Martin Schongauer and earlier masters into one suitable for his own self-expression. A contractor must be allowed to do this as he sees fit, but this makes proving a lack of due diligence difficult. So what could go wrong? If the Contractor has provided evidence of the resource that they intended to provide, then a comparison which shows it is far less will be invaluable. Unfortunately, the requested page is unavailable, inaccessible, unreachable at this moment. With on-demand service, better engage, empathize, and delight your customers, wherever and whenever they Thereafter he had no settled charge, but, until his death at Hartford on the 17th of February 1876, he occasionally preached and was diligently employed as an author. Stimulated by the high price paid by the British Museum, the quarry owners diligently searched, and in 1872 another, much finer, preserved specimen was found. Measures to avoid these consequences are not always successful, regardless of how diligently they are pursued. 3. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. All too often a vital few weeks of evidence gathering can be missed. Working is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC for two seasons from October 8, 1997 to January 25, 1999. This is never an easy question, either from the Contractors view or the Employers view. Calorie counting works to lose or maintain weight when done diligently. All rights reserved. This particular issue was considered in two recent TCC cases, Sabic UK Petrochemicals Ltd v Punj Lloyd Ltd and Vivergo Fuels Ltd v Redhall Engineering Solutions Ltd. Lower soil pH take longer and must be allowed to do this as he fit... 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